Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Jump Back In The Dating Pool… Here’s CRAZY DATING STORIES

Here is the complete collection of all of the Crazy Dating Stories books in one anthology. If you like reading about true stories about dates from hell, then you’re in for a treat. I dare you not to laugh at these insane tales from my life in the dating world over the last 30 years.

Sometimes funny, sometimes stomach-churning, it’s all here in its uncensored glory for your reading pleasure! You’ve been warned!

In “CRAZY DATING STORIES,” embark on a rollercoaster journey through the unpredictable landscape of modern romance. Brace yourself for a whirlwind of hilarious mishaps, unexpected connections, and jaw-dropping encounters that will leave you laughing, cringing, and nodding in empathetic understanding.

As our intrepid author navigates the wild world of dating, you’ll find yourself immersed in tales of comical misunderstandings, awkward encounters, and heartwarming moments of connection. From disastrous blind dates to unexpected serendipity, these stories will have you questioning the very nature of love and human connection. But “CRAZY DATING STORIES” isn’t just about the misadventures; it’s a journey of self-discovery.

Along the way, you’ll witness our author’s growth, resilience, and the enduring hope that keeps them diving headfirst into the dating pool, no matter how many curveballs life throws their way.

So, prepare to laugh, gasp, and perhaps even shed a tear as you delve into the pages of this candid, entertaining, and ultimately heartwarming collection of dating escapades. “CRAZY DATING STORIES” is a testament to the enduring spirit of those who dare to seek love in the face of chaos.

You can get it here:



Thanks to the brave souls who bought this hilarious book!


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You can check out my books here: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=charles+wiedenmann&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

Racquel Writes! 5 Reasons Why Online Dating Works

via 5 Reasons Why Online Dating Works





Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish every day.

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Racquel Writes! Mothering from the Sidelines

via Mothering from the Sidelines




Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish every day.

Instagram: @phicklephilly    Facebook: phicklephilly

A Unique Gift – Chapter 1

This is part one of a new series I want to write that mixes mind control with transformation elements. This is the first time I have written something primarily based on mind control and while this first part is very smut heavy later parts will have more focus on the mind control aspects for other purposes (as well as smut). I hope you enjoy and please give me feedback, it would really help!


Jack sighed as he made his way to college. At nineteen he felt he should have more of a handle of his life than he did. He was stuck taking classes he didn’t enjoy and working a job he hated to pay for those classes. He had barely any friends and he hadn’t had sex in almost a year. Overall life was pretty dull. He sat down in his least favorite class, economics. Not only did he find the subject exceptionally boring it was taught by his least favorite teacher Miss Jameson.

She was extremely attractive and Jack, like most guys in the class, had grinned when they first saw her walk into their classroom. She was tall, just shy of six feet tall, with long legs, curved hips, a small waist and generously sized breasts. There had been quite the debate over whether they were D or DD. She didn’t just have the body, she had the face to match. She was very pretty with green eyes that was typical of someone with her red hair which she always wore in a neat bun.

Obviously with a teacher like that it was no surprise all the guys had been excited when they first saw her but it had been short lived. They had all soon realized she was a complete bitch. Always serious, always angry and always willing to berate her students for the most minor of transgressions. Jack had quickly learnt to keep his head down, keep quiet and stay under her radar. Which for the most part had worked. He folded his arms and rested them on his desk with his chin perched on top of them as she began her lecture.

She droned on and Jack felt himself getting sleepy as he listened. He wasn’t in the mood to take notes so instead he rested his head on his arms. He didn’t even realize he had fallen asleep until he suddenly heard someone shouting, loudly. He looked up to find the whole room staring at him and Miss Jameson seething with anger.

“I’m sorry am I boring you?” She asked.

“No sorry,” Jack apologized. This was the last thing he needed today.

“So what have I spent the last ten minutes talking about?” Miss Jameson asked. Jack tried to think, he looked at the clock and felt a pang of panic, he had been asleep for almost forty minutes.

“I don’t know,” he admitted to much smirking from his class mates.

“Come see me this evening, we need to have a talk about your performance in this class,” Miss Jameson clipped before turning to the rest of the room and continuing her class. Jack groaned, the last thing he wanted was to spend another hour with her at the end of the day. It wasn’t like detention like back in high school, no that was easy. Turn up, sit there for an hour, catch up on homework and leave. No this was worse. This was going to be an hour of being lectured and berated by the queen bitch.

By the time he got home Jack was exhausted. He made his way back to his house, which was a short drive from campus. It was the only time in his life he had ever been lucky. It was actually his sisters house, she was seven years older than him and seemed to be the lucky one of the family. She had graduated from the same college he was now attending and landed and extremely high paying job, which to Jacks fortune, meant she would be spending most of the next four years out of the country.

As such she had let Jack live in her house. It was close to the college and meant that she didn’t have to sell her house or worry about leaving it vacant for months at a time. So other than a few weekends here and there when she would be home, Jack had the house to himself. He unlocked the door and almost missed the small box someone had hidden behind the plant pot by the door. He picked it up, briefly wondering what was in the small package and went inside. He put the package down and made himself some dinner.




Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish every day.

Instagram: @phicklephilly      Facebook: phicklephilly   Twitter: @phicklephilly

8 Simple Reasons Why Men Avoid Ideal Women



Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish every day.

Instagram: @phicklephilly      Facebook: phicklephilly   Twitter: @phicklephilly

Understanding Body Language When Dating Women

You may think that this only accounts for a tiny fraction of communication and tiny compared to words, but you would be very wrong. Body language actually accounts for a staggering 55% of all communication while your actual ‘words’ account for only a staggering 7%!

If you were to see a beautiful woman sitting alone in a bar stroking the stem of her wine glass whilst her body was pointing towards you as she was looking over, would you know what this means? Would you go over and speak with her? Should you?

Reading Body Language is difficult at the beginning, but like all things, it gets easier with knowledge, practice and experience.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when attempting to read body language is that they just look for 1 sign and act on it; but this is incorrect. You need to look for groups of signals (clusters) that all compliment and reflect each other. Just because your date is sat opposite you with her arms crossed, it does not mean that she is bored, closed, disagrees with what you are saying or does not like you! She could just be cold!

OK, now to cover the main things that you need to both look for and change about yourself to make you more appealing to women

l. Eye Contact

Good eye contact is one of the most powerful weapons you have in your arsenal.

You can literally stir powerful sexual tension or emotions in a woman just with eye contact. I know this sounds hard to believe, but non-verbal communication is one of the most powerful forms of communication. When you see a woman that you like, simply look at her with strong eye contact and body language, make it clear that you are looking at her and make sure that she knows it. From doing this, you know whether a woman is interested in at least having a brief conversation with you or not by her body language and reaction. From here, you can move further in the interaction by going over to say hello to her.

There is also a form of non-verbal communication called ‘triangular gazing’ which is when looking at a woman, you glance at her left eye, followed by her right eye, followed by her mouth (or vice versa, R,L,M.) This is a very sexual message that you are giving off and indicates both confidence and sexuality, she can’t help but feel the sexual tension, it comes from that instinctual part of our brain.

2. Body position

In order to not come across as too dominating to a woman, it is important not to approach her with completely straight/square on body language; animals do this when they are about to attack.

Also, If she is constantly turning her body to an angle, she is in effect, turning her interest away from you, take the hint and adapt and overcome. I always prefer to almost walk past a woman before talking to her, she will read from your body language that you are about to continue walking at any second and so will respond to you in a positive way.

3. Arms and legs

The arms and legs are a very powerful reading tool when it comes to body language. Have you ever noticed when someone is nervous how they constantly move their arms, hands, legs and feet as if trying to find somewhere suitable or comfortable to put them? This is fidgeting, it only happens when someone feels uncomfortable. Think about it, are you twitching and fidgeting right now whilst reading this? No, of course not, your in a relaxed and comfortable position.

What to do: Keep your arms to the side of your body in a relaxed manner or to the front of your body, hands together at 90 degree angles. When in this position, use your hands to really emphasize important points and also use for gentle, but quick touches on her arm to build rapport; just don’t overdo it.

4. Weight distribution

This is simple: when you are interested in someone, you will lean your body weight onto the front or leading foot. This is fine when talking with friends and family, but disastrous when talking with women who you like. It shows too much interest and neediness.

Instead, try to lean back and put your weight onto your back foot when she is talking. This shifts the power back into your favor and shows both confidence and also value on your behalf. You are in effect showing that you are not trying to pick up on her or putting in too much effort to win her affections.

5. Scratching and Grooming of Hair

This is where evolution comes in; scratching and grooming is a trait passed down to us through our genetic code by our prime ape ancestry, it’s pre programmed/hard-wired into our brains from birth.

The most common places where a woman will scratch herself is on the face if she finds you attractive. Scratching and grooming is more common in women than men, the tell tale sign is when a woman is constantly playing and touching her hair for no apparent reason when she is in close proximity with you. This is also revealing in women with short hair as they still seem to touch and play with their hair for no apparent reason.

6. Holding drink with both hands

The holding of a drink, jacket or any other object in front of the body or groin area is a huge tell tale sign of discomfort.

Both men and women tend to spend a good deal of the first date doing this until they properly open up to each other.

The item in front of you is actually a psychological block between you and the woman with whom you are speaking created as a sort of a shield of protection, to protect the infamous ‘male ego.’ The sooner you correct this, the better your interactions with women will go. Next time you are in an uncomfortable situation, particularly with a woman, notice how she will put her bag in between you and her.

7. Stroking of cylindrical objects / sliding in and out of a circular object

This is purely and simply sexual frustration in both men and women. Men: Slide their finger in and out of rings (as an example).

Women: Stroke the stem of their wine glass (as an example).

The points above cover some really basic body language which you should look to correct in yourself both during and after dates.


Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish every day.

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Online Dating For the Single 30 Something Woman



Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish every day.

Instagram: @phicklephilly      Facebook: phicklephilly   Twitter: @phicklephilly

Why 6th January is the Best Day for Online Dating



Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish every day.

Instagram: @phicklephilly      Facebook: phicklephilly   Twitter: @phicklephilly

The Worst Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With Someone Who Does These 13 Things

1. Never date someone who acts sketchy AF. Someone who hides their phone from your view. Someone who never gives you a straight answer when you ask a question. Someone who refuses to put a label on your relationship even though you assumed you were already dating.

2. Never date someone who makes you love yourself less. Someone who makes you feel unintelligent. Someone who makes you feel unattractive. Someone who makes you feel unworthy of their affection.

3. Never date someone who makes you chase them. Someone who refuses to send the first text. Someone who waits for you to plan every date and lead every conversation. Someone who acts lazy because they know you will pick up the slack.

4. Never date someone who chooses when to treat you well. Someone who will spoil you for weeks and then ignore you for weeks. Someone who changes their tune every few days. Someone who only shows you respect sometimes.

5. Never date someone who only cares about themselves. Someone who thinks they are always right. Someone who refuses to compromise with you or apologize to you. Someone who has trouble taking responsibility for their own actions.

6. Never date someone without a conscience. Someone who ignores your texts without feeling bad about it. Someone who lies to your face without feeling guilty about it. Someone who hurts you without losing sleep over it.

7. Never date someone who makes you feel uncomfortable. Someone who acts superior to you. Someone who you have to walk on eggshells around to avoid an argument. Someone who peer pressures you into drinking or having s*x when you said no the first time.

8. Never date someone who makes you feel guilty over your emotions. Someone who calls you overemotional whenever you get upset. Someone who asks if you’re on your period every time you express your feelings. Someone who finds a way to turn every situation around so that they are the victim and they are the one who should be upset.

9. Never date someone who expects you to choose them over everything else. Someone who expects you to cancel plans with friends to see them. Someone who expects you to quit your job to spend more time with them. Someone who expects you to give up everything that makes you you because they feel like they are the only thing that should be causing you happiness.

10. Never date someone who keeps secrets from you. Someone who bottles their emotions up inside. Someone who pretends they’re fine when they’re clearly not. Someone who hides pieces of themselves from you, even though you’re the one person they should feel comfortable around.

11. Never date someone who gives you orders. Someone who tells you which clothes you are allowed to wear and which friends you are allowed to text. Someone who makes you get permission from them before leaving the house. Someone who acts overbearing and overprotective.

12. Never date someone who takes their anger out on you. Someone who treats you like their punching bag after a stressful day of work. Someone who becomes violent when they don’t get their way. Someone who has scared you before because you weren’t sure what they were going to do next.

13. Never date someone who has shown you mean nothing to them. Someone who is okay with a one-sided relationship. Someone who lets you do all the work without lending a hand. Someone who takes from you but never gives back.

Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish every day.

Instagram: @phicklephilly    Facebook: phicklephilly

Happy New Year: It’s Time to “Start Over”



Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish every day.

Instagram: @phicklephilly      Facebook: phicklephilly   Twitter: @phicklephilly