700 Pages, No Tan Lines! Sun Stories: Tales From A Tanning Salon

I was working at a local media company here in Philadelphia. One of my advertising clients was a tanning salon. I became friendly with the owner. He was always complaining about his staff. I asked if I could start moonlighting there for some extra income.

He immediately hired me. One shift became two, then three, and within a month or so, I became full-time. I was tired of working at the media company where I was currently employed. A publication that was no longer relevant in this city. Print was basically dead, but tanning salons were hanging by a thread.

But I enjoyed working there. It was a fun job. I met a lot of great people during my time there. But with every job, there are always challenges… and temptations.

Sun Stories: Tales from a Tanning Salon, takes you on a sunny, and sometimes dark journey of my time working there. It’s filled with funny, unique, and sometimes cringe-worthy tanning stories. But there were other forces at work there. What began as an easy part-time gig, slowly evolved into a story filled with love, obsession, sex, and misadventure.

Definitely NSFW!

Not my best work.



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An Evening in Lawndale

In the heart of Lawndale, a small suburb of Philadelphia, the air was thick with the sounds of laughter and the scent of freshly cut grass on warm summer evenings. The year was 1968, and the neighborhood kids spilled out of their homes, eager to savor the fading sunlight and the freedom of a carefree summer.

The neighborhood, a tight-knit community where everyone knew each other, buzzed with the energy of children playing games that seemed to define the era. Kick-the-Can echoed through the streets, and the rhythmic slapping of jump ropes created a symphony of childhood joy.

Lawndale, a place where life was about the simple pleasures of the outdoors, embraced the warmth of this particular evening. A group of friends, led by a freckle-faced boy named Michael, gathered in a driveway on Magee Street. They divvied up into teams for an epic game of Red Rover, their voices rising in excitement as they called out, “Red Rover, Red Rover, send Billy right over!” The game, a staple of their summer evenings, brought a sense of camaraderie as friendships flourished amid the shouts and cheers.

As the sun dipped below the trees, the children’s attention turned to the soft glow of fireflies flickering in the gathering dusk. Mason jars in hand, they embarked on a magical mission to catch the elusive creatures. Laughter rang out as little hands darted through the warm summer air, capturing the blinking lights of nature’s lanterns.

In Lawndale, where time seemed to slow down, parents sat on their porches, exchanging stories and watching over the neighborhood’s lively scene. The distant jingle of an approaching ice cream truck added a sweet note to the atmosphere, prompting a collective dash for change and a chorus of delighted shouts. The warmth of the evening carried with it a sense of security and belonging.

In the late 1960s, Lawndale was a place where kids roamed freely, and the simple pleasures of childhood took center stage. As the fireflies continued their dance and the stars emerged overhead, the neighborhood of Lawndale embraced the timeless magic of a summer night, etching memories that would last a lifetime.


If you’d like to read more stories like this one, you can get them here.



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PHICKLEPHILLY 2: He Found Love…But Can He Keep It?

Phicklephilly 2 is the sequel to the best-selling book, Phicklephilly: One Man’s Journey to Find Love in Philadelphia.

In the first book, our hero returned to the city in search of the perfect girlfriend. It was a funny, and sometimes heart-wrenching tale of a man trying to navigate the pitfalls of the modern dating world. After two failed relationships, he turns to online dating. He goes on several crazy dates but finally finds a woman he really likes. She’s a bright, unique beauty, but like all relationships, they face several challenges.

Phicklephilly 2 continues his journey and walks you through what it’s like being in a relationship and the dynamics that play out inside of city living. But several factors work against them both at every step. Will the couple survive the pitfalls and demands of being in an exclusive committed relationship?

He doesn’t always do what’s right, but neither does she. This is his own intimate story of what that’s been like for him. Join him to see if he wins… or loses again. There are always three sides to every story. His side, her side… and the truth.


You can get your copy here:



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You can check out my books here: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=charles+wiedenmann&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Jump Back In The Dating Pool… Here’s CRAZY DATING STORIES

Here is the complete collection of all of the Crazy Dating Stories books in one anthology. If you like reading about true stories about dates from hell, then you’re in for a treat. I dare you not to laugh at these insane tales from my life in the dating world over the last 30 years.

Sometimes funny, sometimes stomach-churning, it’s all here in its uncensored glory for your reading pleasure! You’ve been warned!

In “CRAZY DATING STORIES,” embark on a rollercoaster journey through the unpredictable landscape of modern romance. Brace yourself for a whirlwind of hilarious mishaps, unexpected connections, and jaw-dropping encounters that will leave you laughing, cringing, and nodding in empathetic understanding.

As our intrepid author navigates the wild world of dating, you’ll find yourself immersed in tales of comical misunderstandings, awkward encounters, and heartwarming moments of connection. From disastrous blind dates to unexpected serendipity, these stories will have you questioning the very nature of love and human connection. But “CRAZY DATING STORIES” isn’t just about the misadventures; it’s a journey of self-discovery.

Along the way, you’ll witness our author’s growth, resilience, and the enduring hope that keeps them diving headfirst into the dating pool, no matter how many curveballs life throws their way.

So, prepare to laugh, gasp, and perhaps even shed a tear as you delve into the pages of this candid, entertaining, and ultimately heartwarming collection of dating escapades. “CRAZY DATING STORIES” is a testament to the enduring spirit of those who dare to seek love in the face of chaos.

You can get it here:



Thanks to the brave souls who bought this hilarious book!


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Beyond the Tracks

In the early spring of 1973, a group of adventurous boys from Lawndale set out on a quest to explore the wonders concealed within the lush woods and along the banks of Tookany Creek. Armed with curiosity and a sense of camaraderie, they ventured into nature’s playground on a warm and sunny day. The woods, just beyond the familiar streets of Lawndale, were a sanctuary of tall trees, their branches reaching skyward like cathedral spires.

The air was tinged with the sweet scent of blooming wildflowers as the boys followed a narrow trail that led them deeper into the heart of the forest. As they trod on the soft carpet of fallen leaves, their laughter echoed through the woods, accompanied by the distant melody of birdsong.

In their quest for adventure, they stumbled upon hidden clearings, secret hideouts beneath ancient oaks, and the occasional critter scampering away from their curious gazes. The murmuring sound of Tookany Creek beckoned them closer.

As they reached the creek’s edge, the boys marveled at the crystal-clear water, reflecting the azure sky above. Skipping stones across the surface became a competitive art, and the ripples of laughter mirrored the playful dance of the water beneath. Exploration led to discovery, and the boys encountered the wonders of the creek’s ecosystem. Frogs leaped from lily pads, dragonflies flitted through the air like living jewels, and the occasional splash hinted at the presence of fish beneath the surface.

Nature’s symphony played on, and the boys reveled in the harmony of their surroundings. After hours of adventure, the boys found a sunlit clearing beside Tookany Creek to rest and share tales of their explorations. With their imaginations fueled by the mysteries of the woods, they spoke of legendary creatures that might dwell in the shadows and undiscovered treasures hidden beneath the forest floor.

As the day waned, the boys reluctantly made their way back to Lawndale, their pockets filled with rocks, leaves, and the magic of a day well spent in nature’s embrace. The woods behind Lawndale and the serenity of Tookany Creek had become the backdrop for a timeless adventure, etching memories that would remain woven into the fabric of their childhood.

And so, with the setting sun casting long shadows through the trees, the boys of Lawndale returned home, their hearts filled with the joy of discovery and the promise of future escapades in the wonders of the woods.


If you’d like to read more stories like this, check out this book.





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You can check out my books here: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=charles+wiedenmann&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

PHICKLEPHILLY: One Man’s Journey to Find Love In Philadelphia

This is where it all began! My very first published book!

Love at first swipe! One man’s story of returning to Philadelphia in search of the perfect girlfriend. Will he succeed or fail miserably in his quest to find love in this city?

This is a funny and sometimes heart-wrenching tale of a man trying to navigate the pitfalls of the modern dating world in the city of Philadelphia in the mid-2000s.

You can get a copy of my first published book here:


Top review from the United States for PHICKLEPHILLY


5.0 out of 5 stars You will be entertained and educated!

Reviewed in the United States on February 18, 2020

I love this teaser. I found Phicklephilly online when he first started blogging, and I have not been disappointed. He had me at the post where he was hanging out with a beautiful woman he works with and having to carry around a large banner from a work event. He’s fun, thoughtful, and provides lots of life experience advice.


Thanks to everyone who bought this book!


Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly.

You can check out my books here: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=charles+wiedenmann&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

The Secrets to Longevity: Beyond Diet and Exercise 

In the quest for a long and fulfilling life, we often focus on diet and exercise, and rightly so. A balanced diet and regular physical activity are essential for maintaining good health. However, there’s more to longevity than just what you eat and how much you move. In this blog post, we’ll explore the often-overlooked factors that contribute to a long and vibrant life: human interaction, fulfilling work, and the importance of family and friends as a sense of community.

The Power of Human Interaction

1. Staying Socially Connected: Human beings are social creatures, and our well-being is intricately linked to our interactions with others. Strong social connections can lead to a longer and healthier life. Whether it’s spending time with friends and family, participating in group activities, or volunteering in your community, maintaining relationships and connections is a key factor in longevity.

2. A Sense of Community: Beyond individual relationships, a sense of community can provide a network of support and belonging. Knowing that you are part of something larger, whether it’s your neighborhood, a shared interest group, or a close-knit community, can offer a profound sense of unity and purpose.

The Importance of Family and Friends

1. Lifelong Bonds: The bonds we share with our family and friends are often some of the most enduring relationships in our lives. These connections offer emotional support, companionship, and a sense of belonging. Nurturing these bonds can contribute to a happier and longer life.

2. Shared Experiences: Family and friends provide opportunities to share experiences, both the joys and the challenges. These shared moments create lasting memories and strengthen the sense of community. Whether celebrating achievements or offering a shoulder to lean on during tough times, these shared experiences enhance our well-being.

The Role of Fulfilling Work

1. Mental Stimulation: Staying mentally active is crucial as we age. Engaging in work that challenges your mind and creativity keeps your cognitive functions sharp. Whether it’s pursuing a career, engaging in a hobby, or working on a personal project, stimulating your brain is an essential component of a long and healthy life.

2. Feeling Needed: Knowing that your work or contributions are valued and needed can provide a strong sense of purpose. Feeling needed is a powerful motivator, and it encourages individuals to stay active, both physically and mentally. The satisfaction of being essential to a group, project, or cause can have a profound impact on longevity.

Living in the Present

Staying present in the moment and appreciating the here and now is another key element in the quest for a long life. Engage in mindfulness practices, and meditation, or simply take a moment each day to savor the beauty and experiences around you. Stress reduction and a positive outlook on life have been linked to increased longevity.

A Glass of Wine, in Moderation

It’s no secret that enjoying a glass of wine can be a delightful and relaxing experience. In moderation, wine may even offer some health benefits, such as heart health and stress reduction. While it’s essential to be mindful of alcohol consumption, a little indulgence can indeed add to the quality of life.


In the pursuit of a long and fulfilling life, remember that diet and exercise are just part of the equation. Embrace human interaction, cultivate a sense of purpose, and stay mentally and emotionally engaged with the world around you. By living in the present, feeling needed, and enjoying life’s simple pleasures within a community of family and friends, you can unlock the secrets to a healthier and more joyful journey on this remarkable planet. And yes, a glass of wine in good company can be the perfect finishing touch to a life well-lived.


Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly.

You can check out my books here: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=charles+wiedenmann&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

Grace and Grit: The Extraordinary Journey of Sophie Winkleman

March is Women’s History Month!


In the vast realm of Hollywood, where tales of stardom are often told, there exists a narrative of grace, talent, and resilience that is personified by the remarkable Sophie Winkleman. Beyond the glitz and glamour, her life unfolds as a captivating story of a woman who has left an indelible mark on both stage and screen.

Royal Beginnings

Sophie Winkleman’s story begins with regal roots. As Lady Frederick Windsor, she stepped into the limelight with an inherent elegance that only hinted at the vast spectrum of her talent. Born into the British aristocracy, her journey unfolded against the backdrop of both tradition and the allure of the performing arts.

The Thespian’s Odyssey

Beyond the royal corridors, Sophie carved her path on the stage and screen. Her thespian journey is a testament to her versatility, ranging from Shakespearean stages to contemporary television. With roles in notable productions like “Peep Show” and “Two and a Half Men,” Sophie’s performances resonate with a depth that goes beyond the surface.

Balancing Act

While gracing the entertainment industry, Sophie masterfully navigates the delicate balance between family life and a thriving career. Her roles extend beyond the scripted lines, embracing the real-world challenges of being a wife and a mother. This balancing act adds an extra layer of relatability to her narrative, making her journey even more inspiring.

Behind the Scenes

Beyond the camera’s lens, Sophie is a captivating writer, penning her experiences with wit and candor. Her literary contributions, including the book “Marrying the Prince,” offer a glimpse into the world behind the scenes, revealing the human side of a personality often associated with glimmering lights and red carpets.

Advocacy and Philanthropy

Sophie Winkleman’s life is not confined to the screen; it extends into the realm of advocacy and philanthropy. Her dedication to charitable causes amplifies the impact of her journey, proving that true stardom goes hand in hand with a compassionate heart. Sophie Winkleman’s life story is an extraordinary tapestry woven with threads of talent, resilience, and a commitment to both art and humanity. Beyond the titles and accolades, her journey resonates as a narrative of a woman who gracefully navigates the complexities of life, leaving an indelible legacy that transcends the glitz of Hollywood. Sophie Winkleman‘s extraordinary life is a testament to the transformative power of art, the strength within, and the enduring grace of a modern-day royal.


Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly.

You can check out my books here: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=charles+wiedenmann&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

The Miraculous Beauty of the song, “If The Stars Were Mine” by Melody Gardot

March is Women’s History Month!


In the realm of music, certain compositions transcend mere notes and lyrics, reaching deep into the soul with their sheer beauty and emotional resonance. One such gem is “If The Stars Were Mine” by the incomparable Melody Gardot.

From the moment the first chords gently caress the ears, listeners are transported to a world of ethereal enchantment. Gardot’s velvety voice weaves effortlessly through the melody, each word dripping with sincerity and longing.

The lyrics themselves are a testament to the power of love and imagination. With poetic grace, Gardot professes her desire to bestow the stars upon her beloved, promising to pluck them from the heavens and place them in their hands. It’s a sentiment both profound and deeply romantic, speaking to the universal longing for connection and transcendence.

But it’s not just the lyrics that make “If The Stars Were Mine” so extraordinary; it’s the way Gardot delivers them. Her voice, rich with emotion and vulnerability, carries the listener on a journey of longing and yearning, evoking a sense of raw intimacy that is as captivating as it is rare.

And then there’s the music itself – a lush tapestry of strings, piano, and delicate percussion that perfectly complements Gardot’s vocals, creating a soundscape that is at once intimate and expansive. It’s the kind of music that transports you to another world, where time stands still and all that matters is the beauty of the moment.

In a world often filled with noise and chaos, “If The Stars Were Mine” is a gentle reminder of the power of music to soothe the soul and touch the heart. It’s a song that lingers long after the final notes fade away, leaving behind a sense of wonder and awe at the miraculous beauty of the universe – and the profound capacity of the human heart to love.

Here are the lyrics:


If the stars were mine, I’d give them all to you
I’d pluck them down right from the sky and leave it only blue
I would never let the sun forget to shine upon your face
So when others would have rain clouds, you’d have only sunny days
If the stars were mine, I’d tell you what I’d do
I’d put the stars right in a jar and give them all to you

If the birds were mine, I’d tell them when to sing
I’d make them sing a sonnet when your telephone would ring
I would put them there inside the square, whenever you went out
So there’d always be sweet music whenever you would walk about
If the birds were mine, I’d tell you what I’d do
I’d teach the birds such lovely words and make them sing for you
I’d teach the birds such lovely words and make them sing for you

If the world was mine, I’d paint it gold and green
I’d make the oceans orange for a brilliant color scheme
I would color all the mountains, make the sky forever blue
So the world would be a painting and I’d live inside with you

If the world was mine, I’d tell you what I’d do
I’d wrap the world in ribbons and then give it all to you
I’d teach the birds such lovely words and make them sing for you
I’d put those stars right in a jar and…
Give them all, to you…


Great right? Here’s the thing… Melody has overcome incredible struggles in her life. Read about it here.




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You can check out my books here: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=charles+wiedenmann&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

Childhood Magic: The Enchantment of a Simple Phrase

 In the whimsical world of childhood, certain phrases hold an almost magical allure. Among them, “Glows in the Dark” stands as a beacon of fascination, sparking wonder and igniting the imagination of young hearts. Let’s journey back to those innocent days when the mere mention of these four words could transport us to a world of mystery and enchantment.

A Universe of Possibilities

For children, the concept of something “glowing in the dark” opens up an entire universe of possibilities. It conjures visions of ethereal creatures, hidden treasures, and secret messages illuminated by the soft radiance of phosphorescence. In a realm where the ordinary transcends into the extraordinary, the darkness becomes a canvas for the extraordinary to come to life.

Bedtime Tales and Bedroom Ceilings

Remember the anticipation of bedtime, when the lights would dim and a cherished object adorned with this luminescent wonder cast its gentle glow across the room? Whether it was stars on the bedroom ceiling or toys emitting their soft radiance, “glows in the dark” turned the transition from day to night into a magical spectacle, filling young minds with awe and excitement.

Exploring the Unknown

“Glows in the Dark” also represented an invitation to explore the unknown. Adventure awaited as curious hands would venture into the shadows, holding the glowing object aloft like a beacon. Underneath blankets and behind closed doors, this gentle illumination would guide young explorers through uncharted territories, turning the ordinary into an expedition of wonder.

Unveiling Nighttime Secrets

In a world where the sun gave way to the moon, “glows in the dark” unveiled nighttime secrets that remained hidden during the day. Objects that seemed commonplace in daylight would undergo a marvelous transformation, revealing their hidden radiance to those who dared to venture into the dark corners of their world. This revelation was a testament to the unexpected beauty that often lies just beyond the surface.

A Timeless Spark of Wonder

As we reminisce about childhood innocence, “Glows in the Dark” emerges as a symbol of the wonder that pervades those early years. It’s a reminder that magic can be found in the simplest of things, that the darkness can unveil a universe of enchantment, and that even as time marches on, the spark of curiosity and fascination that these four words ignited in us as children continue to shine brightly in our hearts.


If you’d like more stories like this, you can read them here:




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You can check out my books here: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=charles+wiedenmann&ref=nb_sb_noss_1