A Nostalgic Event: Book Signing for DOWN THE SHORE at the Newfield Public Library

This week, I had the incredible opportunity to visit the Newfield Public Library for a book signing event, and it was an evening filled with heartwarming reunions, cherished memories, and an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

As I reflect on this remarkable experience, I can’t help but share the joy and nostalgia that permeated every moment. The Newfield Public Library holds a special place in my heart, not only because it’s a hub of knowledge and community but also because it brought together friends from my past and present in a way I never expected.

One of the highlights of the night was reuniting with my old friend, Hal, whom I had worked alongside on the Golden Nugget Mine Ride back in 1980. He picked me up at the train and drove me to the event. Our paths had diverged a bit over the years, and I often wondered where life had taken him. We reconnected a couple of years ago and I had the pleasure of hanging out with him one afternoon here in Philly. Seeing him again at the event was like stepping into a time machine, and we reminisced about the adventures we had shared in our youth. It was a testament to the enduring power of friendships forged in the past.

It was also great to see my dear friend of 20 years, John Pera, the funniest man I know. He got me into doing stand-up comedy many years ago. He made a surprise appearance and I was delighted to see him. I hadn’t seen him since my daughter and I attended his wedding a few years ago!

A significant part of the day’s magic was thanks to the library’s director, Carol, who also happens to be Hal’s wife. Carol’s unwavering support and dedication made this event possible. Her kindness and willingness to bring local authors into the spotlight are a testament to the vital role libraries play in fostering community connections.

And, of course, no book signing event in New Jersey would be complete without a touch of sweetness. The delightful assortment of fudge and saltwater taffy provided a taste of the shore’s flavors and added a delightful touch to the occasion.

I’m immensely grateful for the library staff, who ensured that everything ran smoothly, and for the incredible support of my sisters, Gail, and Jane, who came out to stand by my side during the event. Their presence made the evening all the more special.

In the end, it was a day that I will treasure forever—a glorious, memorable evening filled with laughter, stories, and the warm embrace of old and new friends. It served as a poignant reminder that our connections to the places and people in our lives are timeless and can be rekindled in the most unexpected and beautiful ways.

To the Newfield Public Library, its staff, and all those who made this event possible, I extend my heartfelt thanks. You’ve made this journey down memory lane one that I’ll always cherish.

If you couldn’t make it to the event you can still get a signed copy of the book right here:

Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly.

You can check out my books here: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=charles+wiedenmann&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

My Daughter’s Musical Odyssey: Waiting for Her Debut Album

As a parent, there’s an indescribable pride that comes with watching your child’s talents unfold. My daughter is a gifted musician, a singer with a voice that can move mountains, and a producer with an ear for the extraordinary. Yet, despite her undeniable talent, her journey to release her debut record has been a whirlwind of anticipation and delays. It’s a journey that’s felt like it’s stretched over two long years, and it’s led me to ponder a musical comparison that’s hard to forget: Guns N’ Roses’ “Chinese Democracy.”

Witnessing a Prodigy

Over the years, I’ve watched my daughter’s musical prowess evolve. Her dedication, countless hours of practice, and creative exploration have transformed her into the artist she is today.

The Endless Wait

The anticipation surrounding her debut record has been both exhilarating and exasperating. I thought it would be out a year ago, then six months ago, and yet here I am, still eagerly awaiting its release.

The Artistic Struggle

Crafting an album is far more than a technical process; it’s a creative odyssey. Musicians, like my daughter, often grapple with the pursuit of perfection, fine-tuning every element to ensure it aligns with their artistic vision. This creative journey, filled with its moments of exhilaration and frustration, sometimes leads to unforeseen delays.

A “Chinese Democracy” Comparison

My reference to Guns N’ Roses’ “Chinese Democracy” resonates deeply. Though my daughter’s situation isn’t as extreme, it highlights the notion that true artistry cannot be rushed.

The Weight of Expectations

With the release date on the horizon, I’m met with a whirlwind of emotions. Will the world appreciate her music as much as I do? Will the years of hard work and waiting be justified? These questions loom large, both for my daughter and for me.

A Labor of Love

In this waiting game, it’s crucial to remember that in music, as in life, time is a vital ingredient. Each song, each note, each lyric is a labor of love. Although it might seem like it’s been years, this wait may ultimately yield a musical masterpiece that surpasses all expectations.

The Dream Unveiled

When my daughter’s record finally sees the light of day, it will be more than just a collection of songs. It will be the culmination of her journey, a dream fulfilled through unwavering dedication. And for me, as her supportive parent, it will be a moment of immense pride and joy.

In Conclusion

While waiting for my daughter’s record has felt like an eternity, it’s a testament to her commitment to her craft. In music, as in life, patience and perseverance often lead to the most extraordinary creations. So, as the release date approaches, I’ll hold on to my excitement, knowing that the musical journey is nearing its destination, and soon the world will witness the incredible talent and dedication of my beautiful daughter, the musician, singer, and producer.

I love you, Kat!

Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly.

You can check out my books here: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=charles+wiedenmann&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

Step into Nostalgia: An Evening at the Newfield Public Library

In the charming town of Newfield, New Jersey, stories come alive, and history finds its voice. On Tuesday, September 26th, from 7 pm to 8:30 pm, an enchanting event awaits at the Newfield Public Library, located at 115 Catawba Avenue.

Join us for an evening filled with warmth, reminiscence, and captivating tales, where I’ll be signing copies of my latest book, “DOWN THE SHORE: Stories from my summers in Wildwood in the 1970s

A Journey Back in Time

Are you ready to travel back to a bygone era of sun-soaked sands, carefree laughter, and the simple joys of summer? I invite you on an evocative journey through “DOWN THE SHORE,” a collection of stories that paint a vivid picture of Wildwood in the 1970s. These pages hold the essence of an era, and each story is a snapshot of moments that have shaped this beloved coastal haven.

Meet the Author and Share Tales

The Newfield Public Library event promises a unique opportunity to meet me in person. Engage in heartfelt conversations about Wildwood’s past, the inspiration behind the book, and the cherished memories that continue to resonate. From locals who remember those golden years to newcomers eager to learn about a unique time and place, this gathering promises an evening of connection and community.

Signed Copies and Personalized Mementos

Imagine owning a signed copy of “DOWN THE SHORE,” with the author’s heartfelt inscription encapsulating the magic of the book. This event is the perfect occasion to acquire a personalized keepsake, whether for yourself or as a gift to a fellow lover of history and storytelling. I will be thrilled to sign any purchased copies, adding an extra layer of significance to these cherished stories.

A Night of Camaraderie and Conversation

As the sun sets and the stars emerge, let the stories of the past intertwine with the present. The event promises an evening of camaraderie, where attendees can share their own recollections, create new memories, and celebrate the essence of community. Engage with fellow attendees, bask in the ambiance of the library’s welcoming space, and embrace the charm of an era that continues to captivate hearts.

Save the Date

Mark your calendars and set your reminders for a captivating evening on Tuesday, September 26th, from 7 pm to 8:30 pm. Join us at the Newfield Public Library, located at 115 Catawba Avenue, as we step into the nostalgia of Wildwood’s past and celebrate the allure of “DOWN THE SHORE.” Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a beach lover, or simply seeking an enchanting evening, this event promises to leave you with cherished memories and a deeper connection to the past. We look forward to welcoming you to an evening of stories, laughter, and shared appreciation for the beauty of history. See you at the Newfield Public Library!

Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly.

You can check out my books here: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=charles+wiedenmann&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

Embracing Change: A New Chapter in My Writing Journey 

For the past four years, I’ve embarked on a deeply personal and introspective journey through my blog and two books, “LAWNDALE” and “Down the Shore.”

It has been an incredible challenge, one that pushed me to recall and recount the intricate details of my life’s journey. But here I am, standing at a crossroads, ready to share some exciting news with all of you.

Writing these books was a monumental task. The process of delving into my past, digging up memories, and weaving them into compelling narratives was both cathartic and demanding. “LAWNDALE” and “Down the Shore” allowed me to relive moments of triumph, navigate through challenges, and ultimately showcase the growth that has shaped me into the person I am today.

However, there comes a point when one feels the urge to spread their wings and explore new horizons. After dedicating so much time and energy to introspection, I’ve realized that my growth as a writer has mirrored my evolution as an individual.

Just as I’ve transformed through the process of writing about my life, I’m now eager to take another transformative leap forward as a man. That’s why I’ve made the decision to embrace change and embark on a new direction with my writing. I’m ready to step away from chronicling my past and delve into the realm of exploration, contemplation, and curiosity.

Instead of focusing solely on the details of my own life, I want to share with you the thoughts, musings, and insights that have occupied my mind over the last few years. This change is not about leaving behind my journey or the growth it has brought me. It’s about acknowledging that growth is ongoing, and that transformation is a constant companion on our path.

The journey I’ve undertaken thus far has been an essential foundation for where I am today, and I am incredibly grateful for the support and engagement I’ve received from all of you. As I embark on this new phase, I invite you to join me on a different kind of journey. Together, we’ll explore ideas, concepts, and musings that have sparked my imagination. We’ll delve into topics that have inspired contemplation and conversations.

I’m excited to share my perspective on the world around us, to spark discussions, and to learn from the collective wisdom of my readers. So, here’s to embracing change, to growth, and to the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

Special thanks go out to my writing coach who told me the following: “I’ve read your stuff. It’s good. You’re a musician, right? I see the parallel. You write compelling stories and know the notes and chords to touch your audience. It’s time you made another leap. I’m just going to help you play better.”

I always write ahead in my blog. The stuff you were reading on a weekly basis was always written a year ahead of time. I’m not doing that anymore. I’m going to write and publish in real time. The stories will be from my notes and whatever pops in my head.

Thank you for being a part of my journey thus far. I’m thrilled to have you all with me as I embark on this new chapter of exploration and evolution. 


Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly.

You can check out my books here: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=charles+wiedenmann&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

A Dream Realized: My Unforgettable Day at the Wildwood Historical Society

Fifteen years ago, I was in an unexpected situation at a job fair in Philadelphia. Little did I know that this seemingly ordinary moment would plant the seed for a remarkable experience that would come to fruition on September 1st at the Wildwood Historical Society in Wildwood, New Jersey.

Back then, I was working as a host at a job fair organized by the Philadelphia Inquirer, stationed at a booth to speak with job seekers. As I sat there, faced with the prospect of making this hour of job inquiries more enjoyable, I had a whimsical idea. I pretended that I had authored a book, and all these eager job seekers were actually there to have their copies signed by me – an author in their midst.

It was nothing more than a passing daydream, a lighthearted attempt to infuse some fun into the moment. Fast forward to September 1st of this year, and I found myself at the Wildwood Historical Society in Wildwood, New Jersey, with my very own book in hand, titled Down The Shore,” a collection of stories and memories from Wildwood in the 1970s.

What once seemed like a fantasy had turned into a reality beyond my wildest dreams. The day was a culmination of years of hard work and a deep love for Wildwood’s history. People had come not just to see me but to purchase signed copies of my book and engage in conversations about this charming seaside town and its rich history.

The enthusiasm and genuine interest from those who attended left me humbled and overjoyed. It was a heartwarming reminder of the deep connections people have with their hometowns and the memories that bind them.

I cannot express enough gratitude to the dedicated staff at the Wildwood Historical Society and, most notably, my sisters Jane and Gail, whose unwavering support and efforts were instrumental in making this event a reality. Their kindness and commitment turned a long-held dream into a glorious, memorable day.

Also, a special thanks go out to my long-time friend and mentor, the great Dave Neff who helped make me the man I am today and took the time to come down to the museum and support me at the event. (Love you, Diamond Dave!)

Thank you Karen Knight for writing the incredible article about me in the Cape May County Herald! It really helped create more buzz around my book and gave me the kick I needed to make this event happen!

As I reflect on this incredible journey, I’m reminded that sometimes, life has a way of weaving together seemingly unrelated moments to create something beautiful. Years ago, my daydream at that job fair may have been a simple flight of fancy, but it set the stage for a day that will forever hold a special place in my heart. It was a day when I realized that dreams can come true, and I am eternally grateful to all who made it possible.

Here’s to chasing dreams and celebrating the unexpected joys that life brings our way!

Thank you, one and all. Let’s do this again next summer!


Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly.

You can check out my books here: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=charles+wiedenmann&ref=nb_sb_noss_1