Beyond the Tracks

In the early spring of 1973, a group of adventurous boys from Lawndale set out on a quest to explore the wonders concealed within the lush woods and along the banks of Tookany Creek. Armed with curiosity and a sense of camaraderie, they ventured into nature’s playground on a warm and sunny day. The woods, just beyond the familiar streets of Lawndale, were a sanctuary of tall trees, their branches reaching skyward like cathedral spires.

The air was tinged with the sweet scent of blooming wildflowers as the boys followed a narrow trail that led them deeper into the heart of the forest. As they trod on the soft carpet of fallen leaves, their laughter echoed through the woods, accompanied by the distant melody of birdsong.

In their quest for adventure, they stumbled upon hidden clearings, secret hideouts beneath ancient oaks, and the occasional critter scampering away from their curious gazes. The murmuring sound of Tookany Creek beckoned them closer.

As they reached the creek’s edge, the boys marveled at the crystal-clear water, reflecting the azure sky above. Skipping stones across the surface became a competitive art, and the ripples of laughter mirrored the playful dance of the water beneath. Exploration led to discovery, and the boys encountered the wonders of the creek’s ecosystem. Frogs leaped from lily pads, dragonflies flitted through the air like living jewels, and the occasional splash hinted at the presence of fish beneath the surface.

Nature’s symphony played on, and the boys reveled in the harmony of their surroundings. After hours of adventure, the boys found a sunlit clearing beside Tookany Creek to rest and share tales of their explorations. With their imaginations fueled by the mysteries of the woods, they spoke of legendary creatures that might dwell in the shadows and undiscovered treasures hidden beneath the forest floor.

As the day waned, the boys reluctantly made their way back to Lawndale, their pockets filled with rocks, leaves, and the magic of a day well spent in nature’s embrace. The woods behind Lawndale and the serenity of Tookany Creek had become the backdrop for a timeless adventure, etching memories that would remain woven into the fabric of their childhood.

And so, with the setting sun casting long shadows through the trees, the boys of Lawndale returned home, their hearts filled with the joy of discovery and the promise of future escapades in the wonders of the woods.


If you’d like to read more stories like this, check out this book.





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PHICKLEPHILLY: One Man’s Journey to Find Love In Philadelphia

This is where it all began! My very first published book!

Love at first swipe! One man’s story of returning to Philadelphia in search of the perfect girlfriend. Will he succeed or fail miserably in his quest to find love in this city?

This is a funny and sometimes heart-wrenching tale of a man trying to navigate the pitfalls of the modern dating world in the city of Philadelphia in the mid-2000s.

You can get a copy of my first published book here:


Top review from the United States for PHICKLEPHILLY


5.0 out of 5 stars You will be entertained and educated!

Reviewed in the United States on February 18, 2020

I love this teaser. I found Phicklephilly online when he first started blogging, and I have not been disappointed. He had me at the post where he was hanging out with a beautiful woman he works with and having to carry around a large banner from a work event. He’s fun, thoughtful, and provides lots of life experience advice.


Thanks to everyone who bought this book!


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Water Wisdom: A Look Back at Hydration in the 1970s

In the bygone era of the 1970s, the way people approached hydration was markedly different from today’s ubiquitous water culture. Back then, the act of drinking water was refreshingly simple and devoid of the modern obsession we witness in the 21st century.

In the 70s, quenching your thirst was a straightforward affair. You sought out a spigot, found a water fountain, or indulged in the timeless ritual of sipping from the garden hose on a hot summer day. Water consumption wasn’t a constant preoccupation; it was a response to genuine thirst or the need to cool down in the warmth of the sun.

Perhaps part of the shift can be attributed to the rise of the recommendation that humans should consume eight glasses of water a day. This guidance, while well-intentioned, marked a departure from the intuitive approach of drinking when thirsty. The idea of a daily water quota became ingrained in our collective consciousness.

The turning point, however, may have been the advent of bottled water. Companies seized the opportunity to monetize a resource that had always been freely available. Bottled water came with a marketing pitch – the notion that tap water was somehow inadequate or impure. This narrative, despite being a myth, gained traction, and people began to question the quality of the water that flowed effortlessly from their taps.

Contrary to the marketing hype, spigot water or tap water from the average source was, and continues to be, perfectly clean and safe to drink. The shift in perception, fueled by the bottled water industry, contributed to the transformation of a simple act into a complex regimen.

Moreover, the rise of bottled water has had a profound impact on our environment. The plastic waste generated by the millions of water bottles consumed daily is a stark consequence of the commercialization of this essential resource. The very element that sustains life has become entangled in profit-driven practices, creating an environmental challenge that we grapple with today.

As we reflect on the bygone era of the 1970s, where hydration was a natural response to thirst and not a scheduled task, it prompts us to reconsider our relationship with water. Perhaps there’s wisdom in the simplicity of yesteryear, a reminder that the pursuit of profit should not compromise the sanctity of a resource essential to life itself.





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Tales of Rock: Forever Rocking: A 61-Year-Old’s Endless Stage Fantasy

Age may be a number, but the love for rock music and the dream of being center stage remain timeless. At 61, a former musician and dedicated rock enthusiast finds solace, nostalgia, and a burst of energy every time a great song ignites the airwaves.

The Power of Musical Memory

As the opening chords of a favorite rock anthem reverberate, it’s not just a sound; it’s a portal to the past. The rush of memories from the heydays of youth, the thrill of live performances, and the camaraderie of fellow music lovers all come flooding back.

Stage Presence Never Fades

The allure of the stage is eternal. In the mind’s eye, this seasoned music aficionado transforms into the rock god of yesteryear, commanding the stage with unrivaled charisma. The dream of delivering electrifying guitar solos to a sea of cheering fans is a fantasy that refuses to age.



A Symphony of Nostalgia

Each riff, beat, and lyric becomes a symphony of nostalgia, carrying the listener back to the golden era of rock. The songs that once provided the soundtrack to rebellion, love, and youthful exuberance now serve as a time machine, transporting the soul to the unforgettable moments of the past.

Rock’s Timeless Relevance

Rock music’s enduring relevance is a testament to its ability to transcend generations. The fact that a 61-year-old can still be transported to a realm of youthful energy and boundless possibilities speaks to the timelessness of rock’s impact on the human spirit.



The Air Guitar Symphony

While the physical demands of rocking on stage may change with age, the spirit remains unwavering. In the privacy of one’s space, the air guitar takes center stage, and the fantasy of playing alongside legendary bands becomes a personal, unbridled performance.

Connecting Through Music

  • The beauty of music lies in its ability to connect people across time and space. Whether reminiscing about the glory days or discovering new sounds, the shared love for rock creates a bridge between the young and the young at heart. As the chords of a great rock song continue to echo in the ears of a 61-year-old, the stage lights of memory illuminate a timeless fantasy. In the realm of rock, age is but a number, and the dream of standing before thousands, bathed in applause, remains forever etched in the heart of a true rock enthusiast.


You can read about my life in rock ‘n roll in these books:



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A Ride on the Trolley in 1960s Philly

In the summer of 1967, the rhythmic clatter of the trolley echoed down Rising Sun Avenue in Lawndale, Philadelphia. With tokens in hand, a group of kids, their laughter ringing out like wind chimes, hopped aboard, eager for a joyous ride through the heart of their neighborhood.

Among them was Tommy, a freckled-faced boy with a heart full of curiosity. As the trolley rumbled along, he spotted a girl he hadn’t met before. She sat alone by the window, her eyes fixed on the passing scenery. Her name was Emily, a newcomer to Lawndale, and her family had recently moved into the charming brick house on Gilliam Street.

With a surge of courage, Tommy approached the empty seat next to Emily. “Mind if I join you?” he asked with a friendly grin. She looked up, a shy smile playing on her lips, and welcomed him to the seat beside her. As the trolley meandered through Lawndale, Tommy and Emily struck up a conversation. They shared stories of their favorite spots in the neighborhood, their favorite street games, and the thrill of summer adventures.

The warm evening breeze that wafted through the open windows carried with it the promise of something special. The trolley made its way past Kershner’s Corner Store and the familiar storefronts of Rising Sun Avenue.

Along the journey, a friendship blossomed between Tommy and Emily, their laughter blending seamlessly with the clinks and clangs of the trolley tracks. By the time they reached the end of the line, Tommy and Emily had discovered a shared love for simple pleasures and the magic of Lawndale’s close-knit community.

As they stepped off the trolley, the sun dipped low in the sky, casting a warm glow over the neighborhood. With a twinkle in his eye, Tommy invited Emily to join him and their friends for an evening game of kick-the-can at the end of Magee Street. As the sun set on that summer day, the seeds of a special connection were planted in the heart of Lawndale—a friendship that held the promise of something sweeter, echoing the timeless tales of childhood crushes and summer romances.


If you’d like to read more stories like this, check out this book.




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Breaking Free: My Journey from Vampiric Cravings to Inner Peace

In the shadows of my past, I once grappled with a vampiric bloodlust, an insatiable craving for the twin elixirs of alcohol and the transient thrill of youthful female company. It was a curse that enveloped my existence, casting a long and haunting shadow over the years. However, as dawn breaks on a new chapter, I find myself liberated from those chains, the vampiric allure fading into insignificance.

For far too long, I danced on the precipice of a hedonistic existence, drawn to the ephemeral euphoria that the pairing of alcohol and youthful exuberance seemed to promise. The allure of the night held me in its tight embrace, and I, like a vampire seeking sustenance, pursued my desires relentlessly.

Yet, a silent battle is waged within the depths of this nocturnal existence. The more I indulged, the more the vampiric cravings grew, gnawing at the edges of my sanity. It was a cycle of self-destruction, a dance with shadows that threatened to consume the very essence of who I was.

Then came a moment of clarity, a realization that the pursuit of ephemeral pleasure was robbing me of lasting peace. I stood at a crossroads, faced with a choice between the intoxicating allure of the night and the serene embrace of inner tranquility. At that moment, I chose peace.

Breaking free from the vampiric bloodlust was not a sudden vanquishing of demons; rather, it was a gradual shedding of layers that no longer served my highest self. The allure of alcohol lost its grip, and the quest for youthful companionship waned as I discovered the richness of solitude and self-reflection.

The curse lifted, and with it, a newfound clarity emerged. Sobriety became my ally, and the pursuit of genuine connections took precedence over the transient thrill of the night. In choosing peace over euphoria, I unearthed a reservoir of strength within myself that I never knew existed.

My life once ensnared in the web of vampiric desires, now unfolds with a simplicity that brings joy to my soul. The cacophony of the night has been replaced by the quietude of self-discovery, and the need for external validations has given way to a profound sense of inner contentment.

As the vampiric cravings fade into the recesses of memory, I find solace in the peace that accompanies this newfound chapter. The journey from bloodlust to tranquility is a personal triumph and a testament to the transformative power of choice.

In sharing this narrative, I hope to inspire others in similar struggles. There is strength in choosing a path aligned with inner peace, and liberation awaits those brave enough to break free from the vampiric chains that bind them. May the dawn of a new day bring with it the promise of healing, self-discovery, and lasting peace.



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Pennypack Park: A Nostalgic Journey Through the 60s and 70s in Philadelphia

A Natural Retreat in the City

During the 60s and 70s, Pennypack Park provided a breath of fresh air for Philadelphians yearning to escape the concrete jungle. The sprawling park, encompassing woodlands, meadows, and the serene Pennypack Creek, became a playground for nature enthusiasts, families, and those seeking a slice of greenery in their urban lives.

Exploring the Woodlands and Trails

The woodlands of Pennypack Park were a canvas of vibrant colors and the soothing sounds of rustling leaves. Families and friends embarked on explorations along the park’s trails, creating lasting memories amidst towering trees and the rustling of wildlife. Hiking, birdwatching, and simply getting lost in the tranquility of the woods were cherished pastimes for park-goers.

Biking Adventures and Picnics by the Creek

As bicycles became a popular mode of recreation, Pennypack Park’s bike trails beckoned riders seeking a blend of adventure and leisure. Families pedaled along scenic paths, exploring the park’s beauty. The banks of Pennypack Creek served as the perfect backdrop for picnics, where laughter echoed and the gentle babble of the creek set a serene ambiance.

Community Gatherings and Festivities

Pennypack Park wasn’t just a natural retreat; it was a hub for community gatherings and festivities. The 60s and 70s witnessed concerts, festivals, and cultural events that brought together residents from diverse backgrounds. The park’s open spaces became stages for communal celebrations, fostering a sense of unity and shared joy.

Summers at Pennypack Pool

For those seeking relief from the summer heat, Pennypack Pool was the go-to destination. Families flocked to the pool for refreshing swims, poolside relaxation, and the simple pleasures of a sun-soaked summer day. The laughter of children and the splashes of water created an atmosphere of pure summer bliss.

Winter Magic and Snowy Adventures

When winter blanketed Pennypack Park in snow, a new kind of magic unfolded. Families ventured out for snowy walks, children built snowmen, and the park’s hills transformed into impromptu sledding slopes. The serenity of Pennypack Park took on a different charm, inviting residents to experience the beauty of the changing seasons.

Legacy of Pennypack Park in Philadelphia’s History

As we reflect on Pennypack Park in the 1960s and 1970s, it becomes clear that the park holds a special place in the hearts of Philadelphians. Its natural beauty, diverse recreational opportunities, and role as a community gathering space have left an enduring legacy. Pennypack Park not only provided a respite from city life but also became a living testament to the importance of preserving green spaces for generations to come. Today, as we stroll through Pennypack Park, the echoes of those 60s and 70s adventures still resonate, reminding us of the timeless allure of this Philadelphia gem.


If you’d like to read more stories like this, check out this book.



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Pro Wrestling: Redneck Theater – Where Sports and Entertainment Collide

In the heart of the American cultural landscape, there exists a form of entertainment that is as unique as it is captivating – professional wrestling, often referred to as “Redneck Theater.” This amalgamation of athleticism, drama, and larger-than-life personas has enthralled audiences for generations. Today, we delve into the world of pro wrestling, exploring its roots, its evolution, and what makes it such an enduring and beloved form of entertainment.

A Spectacle Rooted in Tradition

Professional wrestling traces its roots back to the carnival sideshows and traveling circuses of the 19th century. What began as a display of physical prowess soon evolved into scripted bouts with heroes and villains, captivating audiences with their athleticism and storytelling skills.

The Rise of Wrestling Promotions

The transition from the carnival circuit to organized wrestling promotions marked a turning point in the industry. Promoters like Vince McMahon Sr., Verne Gagne, and others brought pro wrestling to television screens, expanding its reach and popularity.

Redneck Theater: The Art of Storytelling

At its core, professional wrestling is theater. The ring serves as a stage where athletes and entertainers become larger-than-life characters. The drama unfolds as these characters engage in fierce rivalries and intricate storylines, all designed to keep fans on the edge of their seats.

The Stars of the Show

Pro wrestling has given rise to some of the most iconic and enduring personalities in entertainment history. From “Stone Cold” Steve Austin’s rebellious anti-hero to the charismatic and flamboyant nature of The Rock, these characters have transcended the squared circle, becoming cultural icons.

Athleticism and Showmanship

While the storytelling aspect is crucial, professional wrestling is, at its core, a sport. Wrestlers train extensively to perform breathtaking maneuvers and execute matches that combine athleticism with showmanship. The result is a unique blend of competition and entertainment.

Live Events and the Fan Experience

One of the most significant aspects of pro wrestling is the live event experience. Fans pack arenas, creating an electric atmosphere that’s impossible to replicate. The chants, cheers, and jeers of the audience become an integral part of the show, adding to its theatrical nature.

The Global Appeal

Professional wrestling’s appeal is not limited to any one demographic or geographic location. It has a global following, with fans in countries around the world. Promotions like WWE, AEW, NJPW, and others have international reach, making it a universal form of entertainment.

Behind the Curtain

While the scripted nature of pro wrestling is well-known, the dedication and sacrifices of the athletes are often overlooked. Wrestlers endure grueling training regimens, travel extensively, and risk injury each time they step into the ring.

The Enduring Legacy

Professional wrestling, often dubbed “Redneck Theater,” has evolved from its humble beginnings to become a worldwide phenomenon. Its unique blend of athleticism, storytelling, and larger-than-life characters continues to captivate audiences young and old, ensuring its place in the annals of entertainment history. Whether you’re a lifelong fan or someone curious about this captivating world, professional wrestling is a testament to the power of storytelling, athleticism, and the enduring appeal of larger-than-life characters. It’s a form of entertainment that continues to bring people together, creating unforgettable moments and memories that last a lifetime.

Incidentally, Wrestlemania’s 40th anniversary is being celebrated this weekend at Lincoln Financial Field! Read more here:


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The Secrets to Longevity: Beyond Diet and Exercise 

In the quest for a long and fulfilling life, we often focus on diet and exercise, and rightly so. A balanced diet and regular physical activity are essential for maintaining good health. However, there’s more to longevity than just what you eat and how much you move. In this blog post, we’ll explore the often-overlooked factors that contribute to a long and vibrant life: human interaction, fulfilling work, and the importance of family and friends as a sense of community.

The Power of Human Interaction

1. Staying Socially Connected: Human beings are social creatures, and our well-being is intricately linked to our interactions with others. Strong social connections can lead to a longer and healthier life. Whether it’s spending time with friends and family, participating in group activities, or volunteering in your community, maintaining relationships and connections is a key factor in longevity.

2. A Sense of Community: Beyond individual relationships, a sense of community can provide a network of support and belonging. Knowing that you are part of something larger, whether it’s your neighborhood, a shared interest group, or a close-knit community, can offer a profound sense of unity and purpose.

The Importance of Family and Friends

1. Lifelong Bonds: The bonds we share with our family and friends are often some of the most enduring relationships in our lives. These connections offer emotional support, companionship, and a sense of belonging. Nurturing these bonds can contribute to a happier and longer life.

2. Shared Experiences: Family and friends provide opportunities to share experiences, both the joys and the challenges. These shared moments create lasting memories and strengthen the sense of community. Whether celebrating achievements or offering a shoulder to lean on during tough times, these shared experiences enhance our well-being.

The Role of Fulfilling Work

1. Mental Stimulation: Staying mentally active is crucial as we age. Engaging in work that challenges your mind and creativity keeps your cognitive functions sharp. Whether it’s pursuing a career, engaging in a hobby, or working on a personal project, stimulating your brain is an essential component of a long and healthy life.

2. Feeling Needed: Knowing that your work or contributions are valued and needed can provide a strong sense of purpose. Feeling needed is a powerful motivator, and it encourages individuals to stay active, both physically and mentally. The satisfaction of being essential to a group, project, or cause can have a profound impact on longevity.

Living in the Present

Staying present in the moment and appreciating the here and now is another key element in the quest for a long life. Engage in mindfulness practices, and meditation, or simply take a moment each day to savor the beauty and experiences around you. Stress reduction and a positive outlook on life have been linked to increased longevity.

A Glass of Wine, in Moderation

It’s no secret that enjoying a glass of wine can be a delightful and relaxing experience. In moderation, wine may even offer some health benefits, such as heart health and stress reduction. While it’s essential to be mindful of alcohol consumption, a little indulgence can indeed add to the quality of life.


In the pursuit of a long and fulfilling life, remember that diet and exercise are just part of the equation. Embrace human interaction, cultivate a sense of purpose, and stay mentally and emotionally engaged with the world around you. By living in the present, feeling needed, and enjoying life’s simple pleasures within a community of family and friends, you can unlock the secrets to a healthier and more joyful journey on this remarkable planet. And yes, a glass of wine in good company can be the perfect finishing touch to a life well-lived.


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Out Of The Zoo

In the grand theater of life, there seem to be two distinct roles: the survivors of the wild and the inhabitants of the zoo. For much of my existence, I found myself trapped in the latter category, living a life confined within the boundaries of routine and predictability. Day in and day out, I roamed the well-trodden paths of the zoo, following the same patterns, performing the same tasks, and interacting with the same characters. It was comfortable, it was familiar, but deep down, I knew I was meant for something more.

Like a caged bird yearning for the open sky, I harbored an innate desire to break free from the confines of my surroundings and explore the untamed wilderness beyond. The call of the wild beckoned to me, urging me to venture into uncharted territory, to test my mettle against the forces of nature, and to discover the true extent of my capabilities.

Several years ago, fueled by a burning desire for change and a thirst for adventure, I made the daring decision to leave behind the safety and security of the zoo and embark on a journey into the unknown. It was a leap of faith, a leap into the great unknown, but it was a leap that I knew I had to take.

As I stepped out into the vast expanse of the wild, I felt a surge of exhilaration coursing through my veins. Every step I took, every breath I drew, was a testament to my newfound freedom and resilience. In the wild, there were no safety nets, no rules to follow, and no limits to what I could achieve. It was a place where survival depended not on conformity, but on adaptability, resourcefulness, and sheer determination.

Today, as I look back on my journey from the confines of the zoo to the boundless expanse of the wild, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude and accomplishment. I may have started as an inhabitant of the zoo, but I have emerged as a survivor of the wild – a testament to the indomitable spirit that resides within each and every one of us.

So, to all those who find themselves trapped in the cages of conformity and routine, I urge you to listen to the call of the wild echoing deep within your soul. Break free from the shackles of the familiar, embrace the unknown, and discover the untapped potential that lies dormant within you. For in the wilderness of life, it is not the zoo dwellers who thrive, but the brave souls who dare to roam free.



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