Why 6th January is the Best Day for Online Dating



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Racquel Writes! — Racquel Writes!

Hello Everyone! Please welcome my latest guest blogger, the lovely Racquel! Her posts will be appearing on phicklephilly every Saturday at 3pm  in 2019!

Please read, follow, comment and welcome my newest guest writer!



I started a writing course last week, in fact, it is a Blog Writing course, it was entertaining and fun and I also learned a lot. It was great to be back in the classroom as a student. It was a bit challenging though because my chosen main subject topic didn’t always go well with […]

via Racquel Writes! — Racquel Writes!





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40 Cute and Funny Questions to Ask a Guy

There are a wide array of questions you can ask a guy you’re interested in. Asking these questions will not only give you a gateway to his mind. They also serve as a way to open him up to you. Some are strategic methods to open his heart. Remember asking questions can not only work as ice breaker, but they can also get the guy more involved into the conversation.

10 Funny Questions to Ask a Guy

To ease any guy into opening up to you, it’s good to make him laugh. He will begin to relax and become friendly towards you. These questions are designed to make his easy going side shine through. He’ll probably be surprised that you’re asking some of them but will appreciate the gesture. You’ll boost his mood most likely and he’ll associate good feelings with you. Playful and engaging questions make for a memorable experience for the both of you.

1: What moment sticks out for you as your most embarrassing experience ever?

2: What is your quirky pet peeve?

3: Are you of the naughty or nice variety?

4: What celebrity do you have a secret crush on?

5: What would be the one meal you could eat every single day and never get bored?

6: Have you ever been caught in your birthday suit accidentally?

7: What is the most hilarious childhood memory you can think of?

8: Sexiest animal on the planet?

9: Can you remember the funniest thing you ever did or said?

10: If you were a server, would you spit in a customer’s food for being rude to you or someone else you work with?

10 Questions Guys want you to Ask

These questions are things that a guy can relate to. They are thought-provoking and make him conjure up ideas that perhaps he hadn’t previously asked himself. He’ll feel a sense of excitement as he ponders the questions you ask. You show him your playful side and give off the vibe that you have an idea on how a guy thinks. Maybe you don’t but he’ll know you care about what he cares about which is a huge bonus to him. Some of the questions will throw your potential guy for a loop and he’ll appreciate your spontaneity and flirty nature. You’re busting into his intellect when you ask questions like these. It shows your smart side.

1: If you had to choose an athlete to practice with, who would it be?

2: Are you able to go to the Victoria’s Secret website and choose two pieces of lingerie you’d love to see on a woman like me?

While this question may seem risky, you’ll get a lot out of his answers. For example, if he chooses something in red then he wants to see your wild side. If he chooses ultra-sexy lingerie, it’s a key sign that he is attracted to you. This also opens him up to romance with you.

3: What would you say to your President if you ran into him randomly?

4: If you won a trip to go anywhere on earth, where would you take me?

5: Can you think of a movie title that best explains your life currently?

6: Who is your best friend and how long have you known him/her

7: Who would you have lunch with if you could choose anyone whether living or not?

8: What is your current goal at the moment?

9: What do you feel is the world’s biggest problem right now?

10: What is your favorite thing to wear to bed?

10 Ways to Really Get to Know Him

These questions allow you to analyze how your guy feels about himself, his ideas and views of the world. It’s hard to get someone to open up, especially men but with these questions you can get an indication of who they are. For example, the first question is about what they would choose as their super power. If they say they’d like to stop time, this indicates that they might feel unprepared often. If they say they want to be invisible, he has often had times in life where he’s been mentally attacked. You can figure out what his dreams are without asking that specific question. These are still questions to warm him up.

1: What would your preferred super power be?

2: If money was no object, where would you live?

3: Smart or happy? What is more important to you?

: Would you rather ask permission with the risk of someone saying no or beg forgiveness later?

5: Are there things you are superstitious about?

6: What do you think people would say about you? Nicest things? Worst things?

7: What do you feel are your weaknesses?

8: What are you earliest memories?

9: Name the coolest place you went with your parents and what you did?

10: What was your worst job and why?

10 Romantic Questions to Up the Ante

Now that you’ve warmed him up with the previous questions, you can start asking him about romance if it feels right. They are not direct questions about the romance between you and him. They are more indirect and allow him to contemplate where he sees things going with you. You may be bridging the relationship gap with these powerful love buzz questions. You also get inside his head to find out if he’s really the right guy for you.

1: How old were you when you had your first kiss and what was it like?

2: Do you lead your life with your heart or your head?

3: Have you ever experienced a major heartbreak in a romantic relationship? Details?

4: What do you feel is the sexiest part about yourself? Physical and mentally?

5: What would you say is your idea of romance?

6: What part of the female body are you most attracted to?

7: Do you prefer candlelit dinners at home or a fancy restaurant setting?

8: What is your ideal romantic night?

9: What are you thoughts about Valentine’s Day?

10: Which would you be? Guy who sends a bouquet from the flower shop or handpicked wild flowers you deliver yourself?


Thanks. I hope this was helpful. I’d like to hear your thoughts on this piece. I had fun with one for a change!


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13 Definite Signs She’s A Wife Material And You Should Keep Her

I used to say that there is nothing like wife material.

But then in this life we are all in a certain group where we have been categorized. We have been put into different categories because of our characteristics and that is how we choose our friends and even fall in love with our partners. It is these categories that help us know who is who and this is also where wife materials come in. These are women not girls, women that are fit to take care of a family and understand that being a woman who is able to love and take care of her future husband is not bad but precious and important.

1. She knows how to cook.

It may not seem important but food is important and good food is everything. A lady who can’t cook is not someone who can be able to set high standards even for a house help. She should be innovative with her food because you can’t always eat out.


2. She’s independent and ambitious.

She knows what she wants and she goes for it.


3. She doesn’t live in bars and clubs.

Yes, she may go out once in a while but this is not the center of her life. She is determined to use her time wisely in things like reading or investing in other hobbies.


4. She knows how to dress for every occasion.

She knows that she cannot dress skimpy in front of your family and she knows how to dress sexily for you as well.


5. She gets along with both your family and friends.

Because those are the people she will need to get along with for the rest of your lives. She may not like them but she is wise enough to be cordial with them for the sake of peace in your relationship.


6. She actually cares about how you spend your money.

She doesn’t urge you to buy the most expensive shoes or clothes. She encourages you to spend wisely and even has tips on how to do so.


7. She tries to help you overcome your imperfections.

She understands that you’re an imperfect human being and that she may not fix you but she encourages you to do better.


8. She is thankful and appreciative.

Instead of complaining all the time, she appreciates you when you deserve it and she does not let her ego get in the way of loving you.


9. She doesn’t tolerate nonsense but she is not a drama queen.

She can call you out and she is not a pushover. She is the kind of person who will tell you when you’re wrong and is not afraid to air our her opinions, you also know she will eventually walk away if you take her for granted.


10. She is responsible with her finances.

She pays her bills and plans ahead of time. This is the kind of woman who will probably have a savings account for a rainy day.


11. You have similar interests.

You both like similar things and she also accepts the differences. For example if you’re watching football she doesn’t try to make you hate it she finds something else to do at that time.


12. You have been together for a while and you want to marry her.

You actually know that she fits your standards.


13. She is your ride or die.

You know she will be there through the thick and thin.

Thanks. I hope this was helpful. I’d like to hear your thoughts on this piece.


Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish every day at 8am & 12pm EST.

Instagram: @phicklephilly                            Facebook: phicklephilly

10 Scientific Facts About Love

#2 is totally me!




Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish every day.

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Brad Pitt’s Powerful Marriage Advice Will Melt Your Heart

Brad Pitt’s Powerful Marriage Advice Will Melt Your Heart

Speaking from the height of his experience, Brad Pitt offers you several powerful tips on how to build a strong marriage, and always keep the flame of love and passion alive. Sadly, his marriage ended. After 11 years of happy (or we only thought so) life with Angelina Jolie, something went wrong. What exactly? Now you can find out and don’t make the same mistakes!

Here are 18 tips from a man who has been married and knows what he is talking about.

“Obviously, I’m not a relationship expert. I would have done differently… After losing a woman that I loved, and a marriage of almost 11 years, here’s the advice I wish I would have had:

1.Never stop taking care of your wife.

Never take her presence in your life for granted. You have received the heart of your wife as a gift from life. This is the most valuable treasure that someone could entrust to you. Take care of your wife’s heart. It caresses her love. Do not be lazy when it comes to showing your feelings to your beloved.

2.Protect your own heart.

Love yourself too, accept life as it is. Leave a place in the heart where nobody can access except your wife. Let that intimate corner belong to her alone.

3.Fall in love with your wife again and again.

Inevitably both of you will change eventually. You will not be the same ones who fell in love ten years ago. Hence, you will have to fall in love again with each other.

She has no obligation to stay with you forever. If you ignore her, she will give her heart to someone else. You will lose it forever. Look at it as if it were your first date!

4.Focus on her best qualities.

Do not concentrate on her flaws. Pay more attention to her virtues, so that your love does not fade away. Remember: you are a happy man if you have a wife like her.

5.Do not try to change her!

Love her for what she is. Even if she changes, try to love her new personality, whether you like it or not.

6.Take responsibility…

…for the state of mind in which you find yourself. Being happy is not just her job. You must also make an effort to make sure that you are full of happiness, joy, and love.\

7.Never accuse your wife if…

You are angry or upset with her. They are YOUR emotions and YOUR responsibility. You chose this woman because you have to go through certain life lessons with her and solve scenarios that will help you heal.

8.Just stay with her.

When you are sad or upset, your task is to SUPPORT her, to let her know that everything is alright, that you listen to her, that you are a shoulder that she can always lean on.

The soul of a woman is a storehouse of emotions that are modified by the slightest blow of the wind. Stay unwavering and strong, do not judge her, and do not try to solve her problem, just stay close. Then she will trust you and open her soul…

9.Do not be so serious or hard.

Laugh more often, not just to other people’s jokes, but to yourself as well. Make her laugh as laughter can facilitate the solving of any kind of problem.

Study the personality of your woman: ask her to make a list of the 10 THINGS that make her feel loved. Remember these things and consult this list in your daily life. The crucial thing is to let her feel like a queen.

10.Give her enough attention.

When you are with her, do not think about anything else. Treat her as your client, your passenger, and your most valuable friend.

11.Do not be an idiot.

You will make many mistakes. It is important that you both learn and not repeat them in the future. Of course, you’re not a perfect man, just try not to disappoint her so often.

12.She must have her own space.

A woman gives everything without resting in relationships, marriage, and children. So she needs time and a little personal space to regain her strength. After a good rest and time alone with herself, she will return with even more energy and inspiration.

13.Be open about your vulnerability…

Prepare to share your fears and feelings with your wife, learn to admit your own mistakes.

14.Always be honest with her!

If you want to earn your wife’s trust, be ready to share EVERYTHING with her… Especially that which you have been hiding for a long time. It takes a lot of courage to fully open your heart to your loved one and let her look in the most hidden places.

Show this courage and she will love you even more for it. Take off that mask, otherwise, you will never experience love completely.

15.Grow with your wife!

Under a still stone, the water does not flow. Your muscles atrophy if you do not use them. The same goes for relationships if you do not work on them. Find your goals and get close to them with your beloved.

16.Do not worry too much about money.

Money comes and goes. Remember: you play on the same team. They do not have to face each other. To win, combine your strength and do not compete for the final prize.

17.Do not keep resentments inside of you.

Do not let the past influence your future. Do not be a hostage of resentment and past mistakes. Do not carry this burden with yourself. It will not let you advance, it can only block you from maturing. Also, do not hold any negative feelings, always choose love before anything else.

18.Always choose love!

After all, this is the only advice you really have to learn. Nothing will threaten your happiness if you adhere to this principle.

Marriage is not a happy ending, but the beginning of hard work. Marriage is life itself, with all its ups and downs. Every day you need to fall in love again, keep building your relationship, brick by brick.

Do you have anything to add to this list? Do you share Brad Pitt’s opinion on marriage?


Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish every day at 8am & 12pm EST.

Facebook: phicklephilly                  Instagram@phicklephilly

Dating and Relationship Advice – 5 Things Every Wife Does Just To Get Her Husband’s Attention


Women believe that as they gain weight, their husbands start ignoring them. Usually women gain weight after giving birth to kids, and of course, they hardly get time for physical exercises that can keep them fit. In some families, husbands avoid taking their wife to parties because they feel embarrassed to stand next to a fat woman. Looking at such living examples, women develop a thought that their husband is not paying attention to them because they are not attractive anymore. So, to get the beautiful curves they hit the gym and also stick themselves to a strict diet. No doubt, it’s good for their health, but it would be better if your wife realizes the truth that she is always gorgeous in your eyes.


5 Things Every Wife Does Just To Get Her Husband’s Attention

Now she is reminding you of those good old days, the early days of your love life! Texting each other, speaking on the phone for hours without a reason, walking under a single umbrella, these sweet memories will never go away. But now she is rewinding them to make you remember. While you are busy in your work she sends “I love you” messages and she hugs you very often. Did you notice her lingerie collection? She has bought some hot lingerie just to impress you. These days she is also joining you for the morning walk. Why she is giving so much importance to such small things? Just to grab your attention! She wants you fall in love with her again, and perhaps you will start enjoying her company again.


5 Things Every Wife Does Just To Get Her Husband’s Attention

“A wife is essential to great longevity; she is the receptacle of half a man’s cares, and two-thirds of his ill-humor,” said a writer called Charles Reade. This quote is applicable to every married man. If you are leading a happy family life, your wife is the one who must be credited for it. Women know the fact that their husband may not be able to live peacefully in their absence, so sometimes, they purposefully go to their mom’s place just to make their husband realize their importance. Just imagine, one fine day you will come home and there is no one to welcome you! You are left with no option than relying on your cooking skills and taking care of your stubborn toddler. You will start missing her presence, and just like all other husbands start begging her to come home as early as possible.


5 Things Every Wife Does Just To Get Her Husband’s Attention

Women go crazy when it comes to their physical appearance. They never mind spending so many hours in front of the mirror to have that desired look. However, after getting married, their focus gets diverted. They start giving preference to their husband and kids over their personal needs. However, at some point of time, they embrace a thought that good looks are essential to win their husband’s attention. Are you working with hot colleagues? You are adding salt to the wound. Your wife is living in a wrong assumption that you are attracted to other women even when she is not so ugly!

5 Things Every Wife Does Just To Get Her Husband’s Attention

Your wife is not always a sweet angel, but sometimes she surprises you with a pleasant attitude. When you reach home, you will find her opening the door with a cute smile on her face, don’t be surprised if there is candle light dinner waiting for you. She may not demand anything and also help you in every possible manner. Dear friend, she is trying to impress you and steal your attention with her cool attitude. Please don’t expect her to be the same forever, you will be highly disappointed! She is a woman who is comfortable in her own skin.


Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish every day at 8am & 12pm EST.

Facebook: phicklephilly        Instagram: @phicklephilly          Twitter: @phicklephilly

Dating and Relationship Advice – 10 Truths Women Above 25 Years Should Know.

It’s dangerous if not suicidal for a lady to enter 30 years still carrying the traits of her teenage days. Admittedly, the teenage days are absolutely fantastic but you can’t carry them along as you grow older.

There are some things as a lady you need to learn as you grow older and there some things you defiantly have to unlearn as you grow.

Here are 10 Truths every woman above 25 years should know. Read and implement them if you are not already doing that and DON’T FORGET TO SHARE!

1. You need to stop caring about what other people think about you. You should learn to be yourself. When you start being yourself and less of what others think of you, life gets better because the expectation of pleasing others is removed.

2. At this stage in most women’s lives, they start thinking of settling down. Just because your friends are getting married doesn’t mean you should rush into one. Get married because you feel you’re ready and you have found the right one and not because that person is the only choice you have.

3. Being in a relationship just for the sake of having a boyfriend was cool in your younger years but I believe at this stage of your life, you should see potential in a relationship before heading into it. If you don’t see longevity in the relationship you are in, it’s best you quit.

4. Stop trying to please everyone because it’s really impossible doing so. You should also understand that when you say no, you do not have to justify your no.

5. It’s time to let go of the negative friends in your life. You do not have to put up with all those negative vibes.

6. You can’t be free if you don’t forgive. You must have been hurt by several people at this stage of your life but you need to forgive because when you don’t forgive, you stop yourself from being happy.

7. Make giving a habit. It’s rewarding investing your time in putting a smile on someone’s face. When you make giving a habit, you begin to see life differently.

8. At this stage in your life, you should have started savings. I wonder what you are waiting for if you don’t have savings. Start saving for the unexpected today.

9. Love who you are and stop comparing yourself to others. Comparing yourself to others does nothing but destroy your self-worth. There will always be someone prettier, or curvier than you. Learn to accept yourself for who you really are. Stop trying to be someone else.

10. A relationship is a two-way street. It shouldn’t be just you trying to make the relationship work. Compromising is important in every relationship but you should understand that your partner also has to meet you halfway. It’s time you quit that relationship if it is one-sided.


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Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish every day at 8am & 12 pm EST.

Facebook: phicklephilly                  Instagram@phicklephilly

Dating and Relationship Advice – 11 Signs You Mean EVERYTHING To Him

He’s so in love with you.

Honestly, the number of crappy relationships we’ve been in has blinded us from the actual good guys out there. The right guy is out there, we just need a little help spotting him in a sea of jerks.

1. He’ll never go a day without reminding you how much he loves you.

You’ll constantly feel like a priority in his life. Finally, you’ve found someone who means as much to you as you do to him.

2. And will do everything in his power to earn your trust.

He wants you to be comfortable and confident in your relationship. The very cornerstone of this is being able to trust someone , and he will realize that. And he knows this isn’t something that’s just handed over to someone, he has to work for it.

3. He’ll be your courage when yours go missing…

No matter where life takes you, he’ll be your backbone through all of your weak moments. He will be beside you every step of the way, cheering on your victories and wrapping you in his hands during your defeats.

4. …And your motivation when you can’t get up off the couch.

He will never give up on you or your dreams… even when you want to. His drive and ambition will even rub off on you as he pursues his own dreams.

11 Signs You Mean EVERYTHING To Him

5. You’ll always look beautiful in his eyes…

Making you feel beautiful does not just mean saying the words to you, it’s in the way he glances at you, touches you and treats you.

6. Even when you’re the furthest thing from beautiful.

He doesn’t care if you’re in sweatpants laying in bed with morning breath… all he cares about is being with you.

7. ‘Actions > words’ is his mantra…

There will be no such thing as empty promises or feeling forgotten.

8. And he’ll prove that to you in all the little things he does.

Do you need a prescription filled, but have to stay late at work? Did you forget your lunch at home? No matter how small, he will understand they really matter the most.

9. With him, you’ll feel so undeniably safe.

You’ll always be able to sleep soundly knowing he’s there, right by your side.

10. You’ll never have to worry about him hurting you.

It is natural to have disagreements and even arguments in a relationship, but there is no reason to make things personal, become insulting and never, ever to become abusive .

11. He will stand by you forever.

11 Signs You Mean EVERYTHING To Him

There will be good times and there will be not-so-good-times, but through it all he’ll be there. He wants to work out everything with you because his love runs deep for you.

Any guy can be by your side on the sunny days. The real test of character is whether or not he will hold the umbrella over you during the rainy days.


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Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish every day at 8am & 12pm EST.

Instagram: @phicklephilly         Facebook: phicklephilly      Twitter: @phicklephilly

Dating and Relationship Advice – Marriage Preparation: Tips & Advice for the Groom

Marriage preparation for a groom is really not all that different from how a bride should prepare. Like any bride, you also need to ask yourself some crucial questions. There also feats of (emotional) strength you must perform in support of your spouse.First, you need to be sure you are ready for a marriage. Is your girlfriend ready too? Does she also want the same things as you do from this relationship? If yes, then great! Congratulations!

Marriage preparation: Tips & advice for the groom

1. You are a team

Do not contradict in public. Form a united front even if you know she is wrong. Discuss your disagreements when you are alone at a later time. You have moved on from your mother so it is important to cut the apron strings and side with your spouse – at least in front of her. Always. Do not let your relationship with your mother (or best friend, child, or anyone) overtake your partnership with your spouse. No meddling allowed.

Marriage preparation: Tips & advice for the groom

2. Know your limits

We are human and know what we are good at. There are many stereotypes that you don’t have to live up to (and frankly aren’t expected to). Call the plumber, find an accountant, don’t let ego make a mess of major things.

Marriage preparation: Tips & advice for the groom

3. Discuss money/career/children/religion

Discuss any sticky subject matter that is important to you. Get on the same page and manage each other’s expectations. Plan your budgets. Are you saving for a house? Where? Do either of you have to go back to school? What is the debt scenario? All uncomfortable topics need to be hashed out and compromises need to be found for the road to be laid out smooth for the future.

Marriage preparation: Tips & advice for the groom

4. Always maintain respect and composure

There will be disagreements. This is a guarantee. Handle them with grace and patience; No name calling, no grudge holding, don’t ever retaliate. Fight fair. When it’s all over and the two of you have taken your space let your spouse know they are the most important person in your life.Expectations come from both parties. Live up to yours. If you make agreements be sure to stick to them. If assistance is asked for, get up and assist when asked the first time. Be strong and be patient & your spouse will look to you to be their pillar when times get dark. Deliver on that and you will receive the same treatment in return.

Marriage preparation: Tips & advice for the groom


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Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish every day at 8am & 12 pm EST.

Facebook: phicklephilly                  Instagram@phicklephilly