Bucket list Bonanza!! — Sensuality, Sex & Something else

I have a bucket list….It is the most incredible bucket list in the world…way better than most peoples because I am actually checking things off my list…If ya didn’t notice flying last week was one of the items on my bucket list…CHECK!! Another item on my bucket list was to go to Mardi Gras….not just any […]

via Bucket list Bonanza!! — Sensuality, Sex & Something else


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Celebrity Sightings: Farrah Fawcett – 1947 to 2009 – Life Uncovered – Part 7

Stick Figure Thin

When Farrah was hospitalized, she seemed to fade in and out of consciousness, mumbling incoherent matters in between. She was stick-figure thin, so her dear friend Alana Stewart made every dish on Farrah’s former favorite food list so that she and O’Neal could try to tempt Farrah to eat. She made macaroni and cheese, fried chicken and ginger cookies – but there was no use. Farrah would take a cookie, stroke it gently and hand it back to Stewart with a smile, saying “that’s so beautiful.”

Marriage Wasn’t In The Cards

Fawcett and O’Neal had danced around the idea of marriage since before their son Redmond was born in 1985, with Farrah sometimes pushing it and O’Neal sometimes pushing it. But with three failed marriages between them as well as the difficulties in their relationship, a wedding never happen. One time, O’Neal even proposed to the actress using a cigar band as an impromptu engagement ring, but a flat tire on the way to the shotgun wedding ruined those plans.

O’Neal’s Last Chance

Just before Fawcett’s death, O’Neal decided to ask Farrah one more time to marry him and with tear-filled eyes, she accepted. While speaking about it in an interview, O’Neal said,” The priest at St John’s Hospital arrives to marry us but administered the last rites instead.” The next day, the doctor was ordered to remove the actress’ life support, and Farrah passed away just a few hours later with O’Neal at her side.

In Denial

Before her untimely and saddening death, Doug Vaughan, an NBC senior vice president, worked with Farrah on Farrah’s Story – a type of video diary she made detailing her battle against the disease. Doug was quoted saying: “This is so not the way she thought it was going to go, Farrah was certain that she was going to beat this.” Truth be told, Farrah was so profoundly convinced she was going to make it, the entire point of the video was to show other patients the fight is worth it.

In Sickness And In Health

O’Neal would not leave Farrah’s side during her last days. When he was asked why, he gave a rather unpredictable answer: “She’s never been more lovable,” he said. “There’s a sweetness – she’s skin and bones, but she’s got this beautiful look. I don’t know how long I’m going to get it, but I know why I’ve been around for 30 years for this person.” Although they have certainly had their rough patches over the years, some things never change.

Fighter Right Until The End

For two years Farrah moved back and forth between her comfortable California home and a personal German clinic. In the clinic, she underwent alternative treatments, some extremely painful and invasive. Suffering through the pain and clenching strongly to her mattress, Farrah insisted her best friend Stewart would film every single procedure she had to go through so that the documentary would chronicle her achievement in finding new means of combatting cancer. “She’s had terrible luck,” said O’Neal, “she tried so many different approaches.” Sadly, nothing worked.


Rest in Peace, Farrah. I’ll always love you because you were my first.



Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish Monday through Friday at 8am EST.

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Celebrity Sightings: Farrah Fawcett – 1947 to 2009 – Life Uncovered – Part 6

Mystery Scar

The red, one-piece bathing suit that Fawcett wore during this photo shoot was chosen to cover up a scar she received in her youth. While the exact story behind the injury that caused the scar remains a mystery, sources that were close to her say that it was from an accident while trying to learn to ride her bike. Either way, it all worked out because without the scar to be hidden the red bathing suit wouldn’t have been chosen.

Friends Or Enemies?

After taking a brief break with her former flame, Ryan O’Neal, Fawcett later began dating producer James Orr in 1997, but the relationship almost as soon as it started. In 1998, Orr was convicted of assaulting Fawcett in a highly publicized scandal that was majorly played up in the tabloids. Neither came out from the legal battle unscathed, and since then became enemies. The bad publicity Orr received seriously hurt his name in Hollywood and had trouble finding work.

Kids Before Marriage

Fawcett and O’Neal may have never made it down the aisle, but famously dated from 1979 until 1997 and even had a son together, Redmond O’Neal. Although the couple broke things off more than a decade before her battle with cancer began, O’Neal appeared to be a constant presence in Farrah’s life. While the pair seemed to be picture perfect, their relationship was described by some as stormy and temperamental. There was certainly more than what met the eye.

Sticky Fingers

Just three months after ending her 17-year relationship with Ryan O’Neal, Fawcett began dating James Orr, who directed her in the 1995 comedy Man of the House. Orr’s close friend and sometimes actress Kristen Amber claimed that Fawcett had stolen $72,000 worth of her clothing that she had kept in his home. After a thorough police investigation, and Farrah’s name being dragged through the dirt, investigators failed to substantiate the charge, and Farrah was let off the hook.

‘Til Death Do Us Part

It’s true that hardships can bring people together, and this is especially true in the case of Farrah Fawcett and Ryan O’Neal. The relationship was put to the ultimate test after O’Neal fell ill and Fawcett was there for the whole ride. Although they split up in 1997, Fawcett called Ryan the love of her life, and they but got back together in 2001 after he was diagnosed with leukemia. They remained a couple until Fawcett’s death.

Battle With Cancer

O’Neal wasn’t the only one to fall victim to cancer as in 2006, Farrah was also diagnosed. For three years, Farrah fought hard against the disease and sought various types of treatments, but her efforts were to no avail. Cancer quickly spread to the rest of her body, and she unfortunately passed away on June 25, 2009. Farrah was surrounded by Ryan and her son Redmond at the time of her death as well as the final moments leading up to it.

Kicking And Screaming

The first time O’Neal and Fawcett decided to cease their relationship, back in 1997, was not a pretty sight. The two were screaming, scandals of infidelity hit the fan, and even news of low-level violence would surface in tabloids thirsty for information. However, just because they could no longer keep their cool enough to be interlinked romantically, did not mean they were willing to terminate any further interaction with one another altogether. Therefore, the second and last time the two parted was when Fawcett was on her death-bed.

Photo Fight

In 1980, O’Neal set up a meeting between Fawcett and artist Andy Warhol, where Warhol created two portraits of Fawcett. The one of a kind portraits were later loaned by the actress to The Andy Warhol Museum. After a 2013 court case between O’Neal and the University of Texas, whom Fawcett named as the recipient of her artwork, one of the portraits was deemed the property of O’Neal. During the court case, the portrait was valued between $800,000 and $12 million.

Michael Jackson Overshadowed Fawcett’s Death

Fawcett died at age 62 on June 25, 2009, the same day pop icon Michael Jackson died, at Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California, with O’Neal and Stewart by her side. Unfortunately, the news of Fawcett’s death was largely overshadowed by the coverage of singer-songwriter Michael Jackson’s death, which occurred a few hours later in Holmby Hills, Los Angeles. Even in her final moments, O’Neal said that Fawcett managed to keep a smile on her face.

Permanently Damaged Their Son

O’Neal was quoted recently explaining he fully understands the extent in which his fighting with Farrah deeply damaged their son. He elaborated: “One of us should have been the grown-up. Instead, we were two single-minded people who gave into our baser impulses…Our moral compass had become submerged in a sea of ego and confusion and our sweet little boy would bear the brunt of the corrosion.” Because of his unstable childhood, Redmond turned to substance abuse.


Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish every day at 8am & 12pm EST.

Instagram: @phicklephilly      Facebook: Phicklephilly   Twitter: @phicklephilly

Celebrity Sightings: Farrah Fawcett – 1947 to 2009 – Life Uncovered – Part 5

Finally Out Of Jail

In 2016, the distraught son Redmond O’Nea was released from prison. After he had been jailed in 2015 for violating probation regarding previous drug possession convictions, it was rather unexpected when he was spotted out to dinner with his father, since he was initially given a three-year sentence. Redmond reportedly promised Farrah he would stay clean, but in 2011 he was found in possession of illegal substances and a firearm. He was imprisoned during Farrah’s last days, but he managed to visit her one last time before her death.

Cheating On Every Man’s Fantasy

In 1997, the couple knew one of the hardest years of their lives due to O’Neal’s notorious inability to stay faithful. Apparently, the same woman featured on every teenage boy’s wall in the 70’s caught her long-time lover doing the dirty deed in his Malibu pad. O’Neal was forced to recount his infidelity during a testimony he gave in a lawsuit pressed by the University of Texas years later, in which he confessed to messing around in the sheets with Leslie Ann Stefanson, star of The General’s Daughter.

A Valentine’s To Remember

Fawcett decided to surprise O’Neal for Valentine’s Day the day she discovered the truth. O’Neal described the horrible moment in detail: “It was terrible, I didn’t expect to see her down there. I tried to put my pants on, but I put both legs in one hole. Leslie dived under the covers.” O’Neal hoped Farrah didn’t realize what was happening, but in vain. “I thought Farrah was going to attack her, but she said, ‘What’s your name?’ Leslie said, ‘Leslie.’ And Farrah walked out.”

Special Guest At Farrah’s Funeral

A private funeral was held for Farrah in Los Angeles on June 30, 2009, and there was a very special guest in attendance, her son. Fawcett’s son Redmond was in jail at the time of her funeral, but he was thankfully given the permission to leave his California detention center to attend the funeral, where he gave the first reading. While being released, Redmond was photographed in his blue jumpsuit. Fawcett was buried at the Westwood Village Memorial Park in Los Angeles.

Not A Vain Bone In Her Body

One time, O’Neal asked Fawcett about her chosen and very distinct hair style: “I said, ‘Why do you wear your hair like that?’ and she said, ‘I can’t see to the right or left, and that way I don’t have to see people looking at me.’” Farrah was also not one to spend hours on grooming rituals. In fact, she once said: “I’m always more comfortable when I have on hardly any make-up, my hair is brown and I’m very unattractive.”

The Secret Affair

According to court papers, Fawcett had a secret affair with her university sweetheart during her final years behind Ryan O’Neal’s back. He claimed in a deposition that they rekindled their relationship in 1998 and were a couple for 11 years until Farrah died from cancer several years ago while she was 62 years old. The undercover love triangle was revealed in a bitter legal battle over the ownership of a $26 million Andy Warhol portrait of the former Charlie’s Angels actress and model.

Fawcett’s Football Flirt

Greg Lott, 67, a former football star, first dated Fawcett when they were both at the University of Texas. Lott, now a car dealer in Texas, claimed O’Neal prevented him from seeing Fawcett in her last days. “He kept me from seeing the love of my life before she died,” he said. “Photos don’t make a relationship. I know what I had with her. He didn’t have that. He blew it.” O’Neal and Lott were photographed arguing in the street several months after her death.

A Whole Lott Of Money

Fawcett left all her artworks to her old university but when the collection was handed over it was discovered that one of the valuable portraits was hanging in O’Neal’s bedroom. O’Neal claims that before she died, Fawcett gave him the Warhol painting to pass on to their son. Fawcett didn’t include O’Neal in her living trust but left $80,000 to Lott, who testified that it was the actress’s wish to bequeath all of her artwork to her alma mater, including the Warhol portrait.

Lott’s Love Letters

In court, Lott claimed to have years of handwritten notes between him and Fawcett. In one letter dated, Dec. 8, 2008, written from her hospital bed in Germany, Fawcett wrote, “I miss you so much, and sometimes the loneliness makes me cry. But this is a daunting journey one must take oneself, and there is very little anyone else can do to help. I wonder if at the moment of surgery I can do it, so I pray for strength and courage and it comes.”

Close Call

Fawcett and O’Neal fought often and loudly, and these arguments took a toll on their son, Redmond. The six-year-old once threatened to hurt himself to stop his parents from fighting. O’Neal recounted a particularly heart-stopping example that occurred during an argument in their bedroom. Redmond was standing in the doorway in his Winnie-the-Pooh pajamas, holding a butcher’s knife and said, “I’m going to stab myself if you don’t stop it!” That ended the argument.


Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish everyday at 8am & 12pm EST.

Instagram: @phicklephilly                         Facebook: Phicklephilly

Dating and Relationship Advice – Smell Me Again: The 5 Best Men’s Colognes That Make Women Go Wild

Love the old natural manly smell? Well, as much as a lot of women are turned on by a sweaty well-built guy, there’s nothing worse than smelling like you have been working in a barn all day during an important meeting or a date.



While the Boss brand might be an old timer in the fragrance business, it still stands out as the ultimate gentleman’s fragrance, and this brand gives out their unique, young and vibrant edge. Boss NO.6 is sweet, with a masculine scent. Perfect for dinner dates and nights out, it’s tame and not all overpowering. If you get close enough to a woman, then you’ll probably understand why Hugo Boss made this fragrance. If you are looking to be associated with class or sparking some midnight romance, then you need to consider this fragrance. This perfume can be purchased at Amazon for $35.




Love a unique scent? Well, nothing gets more unique than Jean Paul Gaultier. This cologne has been designed with aromas that contrast, and the end result is a unique fragrance that will definitely get you some action on the first date (it depends on how ready you are). But on a serious note, you might never get luckier than this with a fragrance. This fragrance was designed for the boy who is bold enough to stand out in front of men, and according to Men’s Fitness, this scent is guaranteed to make women go crazy. Its contrasting flavors of mint, warm vibes, and bittersweet aromas will make even the average man standout.



Want to have a casual date? Looking for a hookup, or just an outing to impress? Well, you better be wearing Issey Miyake. This fragrance’s first impression is a clear mix of citrus scents, with a subtle woodsy undertone in the background, making it the perfect blend for a manly scent. It’s clean and refreshing, something that will definitely appeal to the lucky lady. It’s often hard to get something that you could wear at work and still try out in a nightclub, however this isn’t the case with Issey Miyake. Its alluring scent and rich woodsy undertones make it a silent killer. This is the sort of cologne that will get you compliments wherever you go as its versatility is on another level. Its costs just about $40 on Amazon.




On 2016’s colognes to buy list, this fragrance was #3, and it’s for a good reason. First of all, it lasts long and has a memorable scent. This is one scent you won’t regret losing a penny over. This is the kind of cologne that get you noticed once you step into the room, and it’s all thanks to its unique fruity fragrance.

While most fragrances will have you using a gallon a day to get noticed, it’s not the case with Creed Aventus. If you are looking to get noticed, or build a signature scent around work, then you definitely need to get this product. It’s going to be hard for that lucky girl to forget you with this fragrance on.




If you are eyeing a girl at work, then this is the fragrance to go buy. It was designed for the office setting. This fragrance smells expensive, and no offense to the ladies, but you know how they like expensive things. If you are looking to fetch a few compliments at work, then you need to get this cologne. It’s really bad if you are the guy at the office that everyone avoids because of the farm animal smell you give off, but with Loris Azzaro Men’s Chrome, everyone will be fighting for a seat next to you, and by everyone I mean the ladies. With its tangy woodsy blend, it offers the right aroma to lure any women you might be chasing.


Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish every day at 8am & 12pm EST.

Instagram: @phicklephilly                            Facebook: phicklephilly

Celebrity Sightings: Farrah Fawcett – 1947 to 2009 – Life Uncovered – Part 3

The Photoshoot That Caused Major Scandal

There are lines that celebrities draw when it comes to what they will and will not do, and Fawcett was one who usually didn’t cross that line. That is, until she got an offer she couldn’t refuse from a famous adult magazine. While Fawcett had steadfastly resisted baring it all in magazines throughout the 70s and 80s, she made an exception when she posed in the December 1995 issue of Playboy. This caused a major stir, and some even called the actress hypocritical.


Fawcett Called Quits On Charlie’s Angels

In 1977, Farrah Fawcett decided to quit ABC’s Charlie’s Angels after the first season, because she did not have a contract and said that she wanted to pursue other career options that had opened up, due to the show’s spectacular success. Spelling-Goldberg Productions filed suit against Fawcett, charging her with breach of contract. The case ended with an out-of-court settlement in which Fawcett agreed to make six guest appearances over a two-year period.

Infamously Unreliable

Her departure from Charlie’s Angels made Farrah seem like a ticking bomb in the industry. In a matter of minutes, all of Hollywood’s hottest names heard about the actress who turned down a gig after succeeding once. Leonard Goldberg, who co-produced the show with Aaron Spelling, said: “We made her a star, and she walks out after one year. We had a valid contract with her, and no major studio or production company would hire her. Producers don’t like people who walk out on contracts.”

Close But No Cameo

What’s a remake of a classic without an appearance from one of the old characters, right? That’s why Fawcett was offered a cameo in the movie version of Charlie’s Angels alongside Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz, and Lucy Lu. While Fawcett was excited to receive the offer and really wanted to do it, she had one condition. Farrah would only agree to take the role if she could be the voice of the new Charlie. Needless to say, there was no cameo for Fawcett.

Love At First Sight

Not many believe in love at first sight, but for the Charlie’s Angels actress and her long time boyfriend Ryan O’Neal, they knew it was destiny the second they locked eyes. O’Neal has been quoted saying that when he first met Farrah he instantly fell in love with her. They met at a friend’s party and he saw her in the driveway. She smiled at him and he said that was the moment, he knew they were meant to be.

Doomed From The Start

By the time Farrah and Ryan met, he already had three children from two wives, one of which was a substance user and addict. To make things worse, his career felt as though it was deteriorating fast. In 1980, he was quoted saying wryly that “Farrah’s visibility is on the rise… Meanwhile, my career is in a slump.” Not providing steady grounds for a stable, supportive relationship, some say their relationship was doomed from the very start.

Attention Seeking

O’Neal was known to be able to throw quite a tantrum if he wanted to. In 1984, he returned home fuming after receiving bad reviews for his new movie. O’Neal was ready to begin his rant, but noticed Farrah was talking on the phone with her press agent. To get her attention, he started pacing around “until she finally pays attention to me,” wrote O’Neal in his memoir. He also wrote that he deeply believes “love is about admiration,” which could explain why Farrah felt never good enough.

Late Show Catastrophe

After appearing on the Late Show With David Letterman in 1997, Farrah was accused of abusing her medications after the disastrous interview. The audience and David noticed that she wasn’t making eye contact and was particularly giggly. Farrah just said that she was nervous and unprepared. O’Neal also rushed to Fawcett’s defense confirming that she was not medicated but was just trying to put on a show. He said, “She was selling Playboy magazine, and she thought she was being Playmate-ish.”

Afraid For Her Life

After Charlie’s Angels, there was such a big hype around Farrah that she needed to hire a security guard, who was attached to her by the hip 24/7. When she started dating O’Neal, he felt slightly overwhelmed by the fact they were constantly accompanied and asked if it was really necessary, teasing that if she were with him, he would be her security guard. Shortly after, O’Neal and Fawcett were spotted, and O’Neal quickly turned to Fawcett: “Remember that security guard? Can we get him back?”


Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish Monday through Friday at 8am & 12pmEST.

Instagram: @phicklephilly Facebook: Phicklephilly

Dating Fashion Etiquette: Looking Classy is the Key to Acting Classy

Dating fashion etiquette is key to impressing your date, whether it be your first date or 50th date.  For men and women alike, how you look will tell your date how you feel about them.

You have been asked out on a date for a reason. That other person obviously liked something about you enough to want to share more time with you. How you dress will be a reflection of who you are on the inside. Proper grooming is a good start to showing confidence within yourself.

Make an Effort.

First off, show you are happy to be going on a date with this person. Let this person know that you want to be there by making sure your clothing and dress look put-together. Match them. It is not good to show up on a date in a hodge-podge of colors and styles that obviously do not look good together.

Keep it Modest.

This is just plain and simple good dating fashion etiquette.  Dress in a manner that shows you truly care about yourself. Avoid styles that are too revealing and too tight. Clothes that are that modest in cut and style will bring an air of comfort and confidence to the date.

Fresh & Clean.

When you are getting ready, wash and iron your clothes! This is great dating advice for men and women alike. You do not want to be out with your date and they are constantly staring at a stain or a mess of wrinkles on your clothes. You want them to be focused on you not a fashion faux pas.

Less is More.

Keep the accessories simple. The more you put on the more you will have to worry about. Your bling should not be what draws attention to who you are. A simple necklace, earrings, bracelet or ring will do.  Along those lines, do not overpower your date with the scent you have chosen for the evening. Keep it subtle.

Dress For the Type of Date You Will Be Going On.

It is appropriate dating etiquette to ask where you will be going. This way you will know what type of outfit to wear. If the date is to be a surprise, it is still appropriate to ask what you should wear. You don’t want to show up for a date of laser tag wearing a skirt and heals. Dating fashion etiquette and common sense show that formal dates require different clothing style than casual dates.

Dress Comfortably.

But not too comfortable. Showing up to a date dressed like you have given up on life (like George Costanza on Seinfeld) is NOT appropriate. Make sure that you can wear your clothes without constant tugging, adjusting or worrying. It is possible to be classy and comfortable.


Wearing nice looking shoes is vital to impressing your date. Your date will make certain assumptions about you by looking at your shoes. Clean and polished shoes are the best way to show you are a confident, put-together person. It really doesn’t matter if what you are doing on your date calls for tennis shoes, flip-flops or dress shoes…make sure they look nice.

If you feel that you need to purchase a new set of clothes and shoes for an upcoming date, be sure to wear them prior to your date. While your clothes and/or shoes may have looked and felt fabulous in the store, they may not be that fabulous on a date. You want your first date conversations not to be on the subject of blistered feet.

Fashion etiquette is as simple as you make it. Looking classy is about keeping it simple, modest, clean and neat. You will be happier on your date by following this advice. Your date will be happier too, because you took the time to look good.


Was this helpful? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this subject!


Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish every day at 8am & 12pmEST.

Instagram: @phicklephilly    Facebook: phicklephilly

Dating and Relationship Advice – Dating Rules For Women – Tried & True, Old & New

“When he asks you questions answer them honestly. Keep the conversation informative, but not skeleton in the closet informative.”

The best dating rules for girls have not changed much over the years. There are some that are more modern, however the evolution of the rules has come with changes in society.

Long gone are the days when girls sit by the phone and wait for guys to call them. Back in the day they did that because it was wrong for them to call a guy. The only way they would hear from a guy is if they were home when he called. Today it’s within the dating rules for girls for her to call a guy, however it is not in the rules for her to call him incessantly.

The following is a list of dating rules for girls to follow before, during and after her date. Some may seem outdated, however they’ve been tested over time and have been proved to work like a charm.

Before the Date

  1. Look your best for the date. Taking time for proper grooming is always a good idea. It takes time for a lady to get ready, so plan enough time to shower, do your hair, nails and make-up. When you go out on a date always make sure you do a little extra to show him that you’re excited to be spending the evening with him.
  2. Wear an appropriate outfit on the date.  If you can, find out what you’ll be doing, so that you can pick clothes to match the activity. It’s never fun to show up for a bowling date wearing a skirt and heels. If he wants to keep the activity a surprise, it is appropriate to ask what type of clothes to wear. Make sure your clothing and dress are modest, clean and match.
  3. Be on time. It’s just good old fashioned dating etiquette to be on time. This shows that you respect him and the time that he has for you. It’s been said on many occasion that a woman should keep a man waiting, I don’t think they asked the man who is waiting and waiting what he thinks of that. (I hate lateness and I feel like everybody’s late nowadays. It’s inexcusable based on all of the instant communication we all now possess.)

During the Date

  1. Allow him to be a gentleman. Chivalry is not dead. The right kind of man loves to show his respect for you by opening car doors, holding open doors, helping your coat…etc. It’s a way that they can take care of you. If you’re unsure he’s this type of man, lag behind a little bit to see if he will open the door for you. You will know soon enough and will be able to adjust accordingly.
  2. Be a lady. Men don’t like a girl who’s good at belching, farting, swearing and so forth. Use your good manners with them and they’ll appreciate it.
  3. Be confident. This all starts when you’re getting ready for the date. If you look good, then it’s easier to feel good about yourself. Men love women who exude confidence (not arrogance). Avoid fidgeting, biting your nails, or filing your nails.
  4. Keep the conversation balanced. By this I mean do not control the conversation with things about you. Asking a man questions about his life, job, family, hobbies will show him that you are genuinely interested in him. Look him in the eyes when you’re talking. When he asks you questions answer them honestly. Keep the conversation informative, but not skeleton in the closet informative. (Hate that.)
  5. Avoid the past. One of the worst first date conversations you could have is who you’ve dated, how/why you broke up and the scars you carry. If he asks, you can politely decline answering. Your baggage should stay at home where it belongs, with the skeletons. (This rule goes for both sexes)
  6. Offer to help pay for the date. Politely offer to help pay for dinner, however don’t make a big deal out of it if he says no. Guys should never expect the girl to pay. Also, they know when you’re trying to get out of it by conveniently ‘going to the bathroom’ when the check comes.
  7. Respect yourself. Not every date is the best date ever. There are times when the guy’s not who you thought he was and starts acting inappropriately. Respect yourself enough to say no and end the date. Do not worry about hurting his feelings, worry about keeping yourself safe and happy.
  8. Enjoy the moment. Smile a lot. Life’s too short, so laugh and have fun. Even if you know the relationship with this will go no further than this evening, have a good time. Dating is all about experimenting, so live it up.

After the Date

  1. Show your manners. Thank him for a great time. Again, smile and look him in the eyes so that he knows you are sincere. Let him know if you’re interested in seeing him again.
  2. Give him some time to call you. Don’t expect a call the next day. If it happens that’s great, however if it doesn’t give him a few days. Calling him a few days later to thank him again for a wonderful time is appropriate.
  3. Know when to give up. If he hasn’t called you after a few days, let it go. It’s time to move on. It’s not in the dating rules for girls to sit around waiting for a phone call that won’t come. This only puts you in a bad mood and nobody likes feeling like that. (I’ve experienced this first hand.)


Let’s face it ladies, you love the amazing men out there. You love it when we’re interested in you. You love it when we treat you with respect and make you feel like the lady you truly are.


Thank you for reading my blog. Please read, like, comment, and most of all follow Phicklephilly. I publish every day at 8am & 12pm EST.

Instagram: @phicklephilly    Facebook: phicklephilly

Phicklephilly – Temple Is One Of The Top Schools For ‘Sugar Babies’

“Website says 155 Owls signed up to find ‘sugar daddies’ in 2015.”

College can be very expensive, and more than 100 Temple University students have sought help easing that financial burden by looking online for a “sugar daddy.”

That’s according to a list recently released by the website Seeking Arrangement. The service hooks up “babies” seeking pampering and allowances with “daddies” (or “mommas”) looking for “beautiful” companions.

The Daily Mail reports that Temple was fourth in the country for sign-ups on the website in 2015 with 155 students.

CEO and Founder Brandon Wade says the site offers a solution to the college debt crisis in the country. The site is not an escort service, according to UPI, as the “babies” — who receive an average of $3000 monthly allowances from their “daddies” — are not required to have sex with the men.

A new video advertisement for the site promotes the service as a way to pay for a college education, with a girl explaining, “our mission is to provide quality education, completely paid for by wealth benefactors.”

The video urges girls with so-called “daddy issues” to sign up. It chides “daddies” who give small allowances and one girl is seen being reprimanded for her skirt being too long.

Penn State was also on the list, coming in ninth with 121 new sign-ups. New York University topped the list with 225.

NBC Philadelphia reports that Philadelphia Police say it’s not worth investigating the vague distinction the site holds between dating and escort service.

How does Temple feel about ranking so high on the list? The school told the news station they wouldn’t comment as “Seeking Arrangement didn’t deserve any more publicity.”

I’d love to hear what everybody thinks about that video. Comments and thoughts welcome!


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