From the Pandemic to a Creative Renaissance: My Journey to “Island Serenade” 

“Art is a wound turned into light”.

The past few years have been a whirlwind of creativity for me, as I embarked on a writing journey that took me from the pandemic-induced lockdown to a burst of newfound inspiration. It’s a journey that led to the creation of my latest book, “Island Serenade,” a story that’s as much a reflection of my own transformation as it is a tale of romance.

The seeds of “Island Serenade” were sown during the lockdowns of the COVID-19 pandemic. Like many others, I found myself confined to my home, unable to go out and seek adventures to write about. Instead of letting this period stifle my creative spirit, I decided to turn inward, delving into my memories of growing up in Northeast Philadelphia during the ’60s and ’70s, as well as my summers in Wildwood, New Jersey during the ’70s.

In 2021, I began publishing stories in this blog about my experiences in Lawndale on Tuesdays, and my memories of Wildwood on Thursdays. I shared these tales with various Facebook groups that I thought would appreciate them. To my surprise, these posts gained popularity, resonating with both those from my old neighborhood and those who cherished the memory of Wildwood’s heyday. It got me thinking: could these stories be transformed into books?

The first book, “Lawndale,” was published on my 60th birthday, August 9, 2022. To my amazement, it gained momentum quickly, with sales taking off with minimal promotion. I shared the book with the Facebook groups, posted about it on my social media, and participated in a podcast. With minimal additional effort, hundreds of copies were sold, defying my expectations. It was a delightful success.

Riding high on the wave of Lawndale’s reception, I anticipated that the release of “Down The Shore” the following summer would quadruple the success of its predecessor. However, things didn’t go as planned. Despite my efforts, Down The Shore’s sales didn’t reach the heights I had hoped for. Disappointment and a sense of failure began to creep in.

But it was a dear friend, a lifelong creative artist, who provided me with a valuable perspective. He said, “If you’re making art or writing to sell books, make money, or win prizes, then you’re doing it for the wrong reason.”

These words struck me hard but also brought clarity to my situation. I realized that my disappointment was stemming from the wrong motivations.

Amid my disappointment, an idea struck me. With both books finished and out in the world, I was free to create whatever I wanted for the first time in four years. I decided to write more creatively about topics that interested me, embracing the freedom that came with my long-held creative blog, Phicklephilly.

I had also been toying with the idea of a story set on a mysterious island where a couple gets stranded during COVID-19, with an array of unique characters and experiences. While this idea felt daunting then, I began to write scenes for the story and poured myself into creating fresh content for Phicklephilly. The freedom to write without constraint revitalized my creative spirit.

As I pondered what I loved most about my two previous works, I realized it was the elements of romance that stood out. The experiences of first dates, first kisses, and falling in love have always held a special place in my heart. With this in mind, I decided to craft a simple love story about a boy from the city who meets a girl in a foreign land, a classic fish-out-of-water romantic tale.

Out of my sadness and disappointment emerged “Island Serenade.” I began writing it in July 2023, (Just two weeks after the release of Down The Shore) and I was excited about writing for the first time in years. I wrote the book out of pure joy, a labor of love that flowed effortlessly. With each word, my creative juices surged, and the ideas poured forth at an astonishing pace. The story came to life, and I couldn’t have been happier. I finished the first draft of the book 65 days later on September 10th.

The best part of this experience is that I no longer care if anybody buys “Island Serenade.” I wrote it for the sheer joy of creating something new and beautiful. This book mended my heart and reignited my creative spirit after feelings of disappointment.

So, if you’re feeling down or disappointed, remember that creating something new can be a healing and transformative experience. “Island Serenade” is a testament to the power of art and the importance of creating for the sake of creation, not for external validation. It’s a reminder that making something beautiful out of your emotions and experiences can be a truly rewarding journey, regardless of the outcome.

If you decide to read “Island Serenade” this summer, I hope you enjoy it. But remember, I don’t mind if you don’t. It was written from the heart, for the joy of writing itself.


Get your copy of Island Serenade here:




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NEW BOOK – Island Serenade: A Love Story as Lush as the Tropics

In the world of romantic novels, some stories stand out for their ability to transport readers to far-off places, evoke deep emotions, and remind us that love can truly conquer all. “Island Serenade” is one such tale, a vibrant and passionate romance set against the backdrop of a lush and enchanting island. In this blog post, I’ll take you on a journey through the pages of this heartwarming novel, where love blooms as brightly as the tropical flowers.

Discover the Oasis: Eden Island

Before we dive into the heart of the story, let’s introduce you to the setting that plays an integral role in “Island Serenade.” Eden Island, with its pristine beaches, swaying palm trees, and crystal-clear waters, is not just a location; it’s a character in its own right. I paint this paradise with words, allowing readers to feel the gentle island breeze, hear the rustling leaves, and taste the salt in the air. It’s the kind of place where you’d want to lose yourself, and that’s precisely what happens to our heroine.

Introducing Maya: The Island’s Creative Soul

At the heart of our story is lovely Maya Oliveira, a talented local artist known for her breathtaking paintings capturing the very essence of the island. Her character is beautifully layered, and readers will fall in love with her vibrant spirit and her passion for life and creativity. Maya is the heart and soul of this story, and her journey is both inspiring and captivating.

Meet Wade Somer: The Reluctant Star

Also at the center of our story is Wade Somer, a world-famous musician known for his soulful songs and captivating performances. However, the pressures of fame have taken their toll, leaving Wade feeling like a hollow shell. Seeking solace, he finds his way to Eden Island, a place where he can finally escape the spotlight. His character is elegantly portrayed, and readers will empathize with his search for meaning beyond the music industry. Maya and Wade’s paths cross in this paradise, and it’s an encounter that sparks a profound connection, setting the stage for a love story that will make your heart race.

The Symphony of Love: Wade and Maya’s Journey

“Island Serenade” takes readers on a journey through the highs and lows of Maya and Wade’s romance. Their love is passionate and intense, but it’s also tested by the demands of Wade’s music career and the physical distance that could separate them if he has to return to his beckoning career. Their journey is a testament to the power of love, and readers will find themselves rooting for these two souls to find their happily ever after.

Themes of Resilience and Redemption

This novel isn’t just a romance; it’s a story of redemption and resilience. Maya’s artistic journey is inspiring, highlighting her ability to heal and inspire those around her and the importance of pursuing one’s passions. Wade’s battle with fame’s dark side comes into play, and readers will witness his transformation as he rediscovers the true meaning of his art and his life.“Island Serenade” highlights the importance of pursuing one’s passions and the transformative power of love.

A Love Story Worth Reading

“Island Serenade” is a love story that lingers in your heart long after you’ve turned the final page. I’ve crafted a tale that reminds us of the power of love, the beauty of art and music, and the importance of finding balance in our lives. If you’re seeking a romantic escape to an island paradise, this novel is your ticket to an unforgettable adventure this summer led by the indomitable Maya.

The First Day of Summer

In “Island Serenade,” love blossoms amid the beauty of Eden Island, proving that even in the most unlikely of places, hearts can find their true home. This novel is a celebration of love and the resilience of the human spirit. So, grab a copy, settle into your favorite reading nook, and let the tropical magic of “Island Serenade” sweep you off your feet.


Get your copy here:



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