The Sun By The Sea: A Local Treasure Shining Bright

Nestled along the shores of the Wildwoods, where the sea whispers its tales and the sun kisses the sandy beaches, there exists a publication that transcends time, connecting the past to the present. This beacon of local storytelling and community spirit is none other than “The Sun By The Sea.

A Glimpse into History: From Lithographs to Local Lore

The journey of The Sun begins with a nod to the past, proudly featuring the original lithograph from 1900-1915 that once graced the Five-Mile Beach Sun. This touch of vintage elegance on the masthead reflects a commitment to honoring the roots of the community, preserving the essence of Wildwoods’ history within the pages of each issue.

Born of Necessity: A Chronicle of Change in 2004

In the throes of Wildwood’s major transition in 2004, The Sun emerged as a ray of light. At a time when the island was undergoing significant shifts, there was a void waiting to be filled by a publication that not only chronicled the changes but also encapsulated the heart of the local experience. The inaugural issue on April 1st, 2004, marked the dawn of a new era for the community.

Where Heart Meets Paper: A Family Affair

More than just a publication, The Sun is a labor of love run by a tight-knit family of Wildwood locals. Led by Dorothy Kulisek, there is a personal touch woven into each page that reflects the passion and dedication of those who call this vibrant coastal town home. As you flip through the pages, you can almost hear the echoes of the sea and feel the warmth of the sun mirrored in every word and image.

The Best Read in Wildwood: A Local Testament

Acknowledged by locals and visitors alike, The Sun is hailed as the must-read paper in Wildwood. It’s not just a newspaper; it’s a cherished companion that brings the community together. The outpouring of love is not a mere compliment; it’s an exclamation of love. The Sun has become an indispensable part of life for those who cherish the unique stories, photos, and history that it lovingly curates.

More Than News: Artistry in Advertising

Beyond the stories, The Sun prides itself on featuring advertisements that are more than just commercial messages. They are works of art, different and artistic, captivating the attention of readers. Advertisers are not merely promoters; they become contributors to the vibrant tapestry that makes each issue a visual and literary feast.

A Keepsake for All Seasons: Cherished by Readers

The Sun isn’t just read and discarded; it’s treasured. Readers speak of saving issues for guests, mailing them to friends and relatives, and leaving them proudly displayed on coffee tables until the next edition graces their homes. Each issue is not just a newspaper; it’s a keepsake that captures the essence of life in the Wildwoods.

People Paper: The Pulse of Wildwoods

At its core, The Sun By The Sea is a “people paper.” It is a celebration of the individuals who shape the unique tapestry of the Wildwoods. From personal stories to local events, the publication is a testament to the vibrant community spirit that makes this coastal haven a place like no other.

In every article, photograph, and page layout, The Sun By The Sea weaves a narrative that resonates with the heartbeats of Wildwood. It’s more than a publication; it’s a sunbeam that brightens the community, ensuring that the tales of Wildwood are told and cherished for generations to come. So, the next time you see The Sun By The Sea, embrace it like a cherished friend, for within its pages, you’ll discover the true soul of the Wildwoods.


Get the latest edition on June 19th!


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