People Break Down Their Favorite Non-Sexual Acts Of Intimacy

Intimacy doesn’t have to be sexual.

Whether it’s in a romantic relationship or a platonic friendship, the most meaningful moments of intimacy are the ones where you can let loose, feel safe, comfortable, and understood.

Redditor u/Annabelle_t got people to talking about their favorite non-sexual acts of intimacy, and people shared the details of their most personal and private moments.

10. Nap time!

“Taking a nap/sleeping together while cuddling”

9. Being able to make someone laugh

“Making them laugh, smile, and think you’re an absolute idiot.”

8. Comforting touches

“Having them run their fingers softly on my back or arms and vice versa.”

7. Dancing together

“My wife and I slow dance almost every day. Whether it’s just a few seconds or a full song or two. Just kind of our thing we do”

6. Deep talks

“Deep meaningful conversation. The kind where you share yourself with someone and feel truly understood. Hard to match the bliss of connection and emotional intimacy that comes from those moments of raw vulnerability with someone you love and feel safe with.”

5. Little spoons…

“When I get to be little spoon. Guys, being little spoon is a game changer.”

4. You can feel your bond

“Those moments where you have prolonged eye contact (sometimes accompanied with a small smile) & you can almost physically feel the bond you have with the other person”

3. When they perfectly scratch your itches

“Scratches on the back of my neck on that spot…

I must have been a dog in a past life or something because a roughly five second scratch on the right part of my neck almost hits a reset button in my brain and instantly makes me forget whatever I was upset about 20 seconds prior. It’s like witchcraft, honestly.”

2. When someone plays with your hair…

“Lying down with my head on a girl friend’s lap and she starts playing with my hair. Just moving her fingers through my hair is just sooooo good. There’s something about it that I love and can’t really explain

1. Being completely comfortable with each other

“Just comfortably being in each other’s space in general. When everything about your body language and interactions says ‘we have no reservations about casually touching each other and the normal social rules about personal space don’t apply.”


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15 Signs You’re Not In A Real Relationship

I get lots of letters for my “Dear Wendy” advice column from readers who are in ambiguous relationships. Sometimes they’ve been out a few times with someone but never end the date with anything more than a friendly handshake or quick peck on the cheek — or worse, an air kiss. Other times, the dates are a little more touchy-feely, but they’re few and far between with little to no communication between. And then, of course, there are the letters from people who only see their “significant others” at night, without much warning, and never in public. Hello, booty call! After the jump, I present to you the biggest tell-tale signs that it’s not a real relationship.

It’s not a real relationship if …

1. You don’t know his last name.

2. You haven’t seen him in the light of day.

3. You’ve known each other for less than two weeks.

4. Your friend asks what color hair your boyfriend has and you say, “I’m not sure. He’s wearing a hat in his profile picture.”

5. You’ve only been out once.

6. You’re both in town for New Year’s Eve, but you aren’t sure if you’re spending it together.

7. He’s on Facebook every day, but his profile still says he’s in a relationship with someone else.

8. You ask what he wants for Christmas and he says he’s only exchanging gifts with people he’s closest to this year.

9. You ask what his New Year’s resolution is and he says, “Quit using people just for sex.”

10. You’ve never gone out in public together.

11. He wears a wedding ring and he’s not married to you.

12. You have no idea where he lives.

13. You’ve never spent a single Friday or Saturday night together.

14. You send a text message and he replies, “Who’s this?”

15. You’ve never been sober together.


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