A Dream Realized: My Unforgettable Day at the Wildwood Historical Society

Fifteen years ago, I was in an unexpected situation at a job fair in Philadelphia. Little did I know that this seemingly ordinary moment would plant the seed for a remarkable experience that would come to fruition on September 1st at the Wildwood Historical Society in Wildwood, New Jersey.

Back then, I was working as a host at a job fair organized by the Philadelphia Inquirer, stationed at a booth to speak with job seekers. As I sat there, faced with the prospect of making this hour of job inquiries more enjoyable, I had a whimsical idea. I pretended that I had authored a book, and all these eager job seekers were actually there to have their copies signed by me – an author in their midst.

It was nothing more than a passing daydream, a lighthearted attempt to infuse some fun into the moment. Fast forward to September 1st of this year, and I found myself at the Wildwood Historical Society in Wildwood, New Jersey, with my very own book in hand, titled Down The Shore,” a collection of stories and memories from Wildwood in the 1970s.

What once seemed like a fantasy had turned into a reality beyond my wildest dreams. The day was a culmination of years of hard work and a deep love for Wildwood’s history. People had come not just to see me but to purchase signed copies of my book and engage in conversations about this charming seaside town and its rich history.

The enthusiasm and genuine interest from those who attended left me humbled and overjoyed. It was a heartwarming reminder of the deep connections people have with their hometowns and the memories that bind them.

I cannot express enough gratitude to the dedicated staff at the Wildwood Historical Society and, most notably, my sisters Jane and Gail, whose unwavering support and efforts were instrumental in making this event a reality. Their kindness and commitment turned a long-held dream into a glorious, memorable day.

Also, a special thanks go out to my long-time friend and mentor, the great Dave Neff who helped make me the man I am today and took the time to come down to the museum and support me at the event. (Love you, Diamond Dave!)

Thank you Karen Knight for writing the incredible article about me in the Cape May County Herald! It really helped create more buzz around my book and gave me the kick I needed to make this event happen!

As I reflect on this incredible journey, I’m reminded that sometimes, life has a way of weaving together seemingly unrelated moments to create something beautiful. Years ago, my daydream at that job fair may have been a simple flight of fancy, but it set the stage for a day that will forever hold a special place in my heart. It was a day when I realized that dreams can come true, and I am eternally grateful to all who made it possible.

Here’s to chasing dreams and celebrating the unexpected joys that life brings our way!

Thank you, one and all. Let’s do this again next summer!


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