A Tribute to My Best Friend: Forty-Five Years of Friendship

Having a best friend is a rare treasure—a gift that transcends time and defies all odds. For over four decades, I’ve had the privilege of calling Jim Gloria my best friend, and today, I want to celebrate the extraordinary bond we share.

Our journey began in the summer of 1979, in the bustling arcade Botto’s in Wildwood, where chance—or perhaps fate—brought us together. It was a seemingly random encounter orchestrated by a younger boy who knew we were both musicians, yet little did I know that it would mark the beginning of a lifelong friendship.

What sets Jim apart is not just the man he has become, but the unwavering friend he has always been to me. In him, I’ve found understanding, acceptance, and unwavering support—qualities that have sustained our bond through the years.

Our conversations are a testament to the depth of our connection. Today, as we spoke on the phone for over two hours, it felt like mere moments had passed—a testament to the genuine joy and comfort I find in his company.

Jim’s presence in my life has been a source of strength and inspiration. He has been there through the highs and lows, offering guidance, laughter, and a listening ear whenever I’ve needed it most. His unwavering loyalty and steadfast friendship have enriched my life in ways I cannot fully express.

As I reflect on the countless memories we’ve shared and the adventures we’ve embarked upon, I am filled with gratitude for the gift of Jim’s friendship. He is more than just a friend—he is family, a kindred spirit who has walked alongside me through life’s journey.

So here’s to you, Jim—my confidant, my partner-in-crime, my best friend. Thank you for forty years of laughter, tears, and unforgettable moments. May our friendship continue to grow and thrive for many years to come.



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