15 Things A Guy Will Do…When He’s Got A Side Chick

Hands down one of the worst things that can happen in a relationship is finding out he’s got someone on the side. No girl wants to imagine their man has eyes for anyone else but her, let alone if he has a consistent side chick he keeps going back to.

Of course, if he’s stepping out on his woman then the problem is with him, not her. But that doesn’t mean she’s not going to feel hurt by his actions. These 15 signs can indicate if a SO is, in fact, seeing someone else. While these hints may not mean anything on their own, if he’s showing a variety of these signs, then it’s likely that’s something is up.

It’s always best to trust our gut and confront him if we think something is up. The truth always comes out, after all!

15. He Suddenly Cares More About His Appearance

When someone suddenly takes more of an interest in their appearance it can be a sign they have someone they want to impress. If your man is putting more effort into his clothing choices and styling his hair, it could be a sign he’s developing feelings for someone else.

Then again, this isn’t always a sign your man has strayed. Perhaps he’s just feeling more confident than usual.

14. He Never Lets Her See His Phone Screen

One of the tell-tale signs that your significant other has someone on the side is if they’ve become protective of their phone. Maybe he always puts his phone face down when he puts it on the table or he’s careful to not leave it alone with you.

This could be a sign he’s worried you’ll see a message or photo of someone that he doesn’t want you to know about.

13. There Are Women’s Things In His Apartment

If you find a lipstick or scarf at your man’s place that isn’t yours, then you’re going to be highly suspicious. He might claim to have a legitimate excuse, like the item belongs to his sister, a female friend, or even his roommate’s girlfriend. There might be situations where this is, indeed, the truth.

But if something tells you his story isn’t adding up, then the item may actually belong to a romantic partner.

12. He Can Easily Lie About Small Things

If you’ve noticed that your SO has no problem fibbing about small things, then it’s likely he can also lie about bigger stuff, too. If he’s been dishonest with you in the past (even if it’s about something trivial), then it’s understandable why you may have a hard time trusting him.

Trust your gut if you think he’s spinning you a fake tale.

11. He Overcompensates By Being Too Nice

When someone feels guilty about something or they’re worried you’re becoming too suspicious of them, they’ll likely go out of their way to convince you nothing is up.

If you feel like your man has been extra nice, to the point where it’s abnormal, he may feel like he has to make up for something. While he could feel bad about all sorts of things, it’s very possible he’s been seeing someone else.

10. He Always Has To Stay Late At Work (So He Says)

Whether he says he has to stay late at work or makes up some other excuse to bail on your plans together, this isn’t a good sign. Granted, life may just be extra busy for him.

But if he’s acting strange about what he has going on in his personal or professional life, it’s likely he’s not giving you all of the details. Trust yourself if you feel like things aren’t adding up.

9. He Makes It Seem Like His GF Is The Problem

A classic move someone will make if they have something to hide is trying to turn things around on the other person. If you’ve questioned his whereabouts or even asked him if he’s got someone else, yet he always deflects by acting upset that you don’t trust him, then he probably does have something he’s not telling you.

He wants you to feel like it’s all in your head so you’ll stop digging for answers.

8. He Doesn’t Take His GF Around His Friends

Regardless of what your man might say, it’s not normal to never hang out with his friends, let alone never meet them. If your guy has another girl on the side, it’s likely his best buddies know about it.

So, of course he wouldn’t want you to hang around his pals since there’s a chance they could spill the beans.

7. He’s Defensive When She Asks Where He’s Been

Someone who has something to hide is immediately going to go on the defensive. If they act upset or offended by your questions, their hope is it’ll convince you that they could never be dishonest (and that you should feel bad for questioning them).

However, if someone knows they’ve done nothing wrong, they’ll have no problem staying calm and collected.

6. He Seems More On Edge Than Normal

When someone has something to hide, there will likely be a shift in their behaviour. They may seem more anxious or defensive. Of course, there could be other things going on in his life, but he might have someone else.

If he’s exhibiting this sign along with any of the others on this list, then it’s understandable that you might question his intentions.

5. He’s Stepped Out In Previous Relationships

Everyone makes mistakes, so you can’t always judge someone by what they’ve done in the past. Similarly, simply because someone has never stepped out on a previous SO it doesn’t mean they won’t in the future.

But many times, patterns are repeated. So, if your man has a history of stepping out and your gut is telling you something is up, then you might be correct.

4. He Either Replies Right Away Or Not At All

If your man struggles to be consistent when texting, it could be a sign something is up on his end. If he’s away from his phone for long periods of time, it could mean he’s with someone that you don’t want to know about.

And if there are times when he seems to reply too quickly (like if you ask him what’s up), then he might be trying to overcompensate for something.

3. He’s Been Acting More Distant Lately

If you feel like your significant other has been pulling away or is emotionally unavailable, it could mean he’s investing himself elsewhere – like in a side relationship!

When someone acts distant, it’s usually a sign that something is going on behind the scenes, even if it doesn’t have to do with being disloyal. If you think something is up, ask him about it right away.

2. He’s Getting More Attention Online From Girls

If you guy’s social media habits have changed, then it’s likely that something else has changed in his life. If you notice he’s getting more female attention than ever before, it could be a sign he’s being flirtatious when offline.

It’s an even worse sign if he’s engaging with the online attention or, at the very least, doing nothing to shut it down.

1. He’s Lost His Passion

Sometimes, when a guy has lost his passion and enthusiasm, it can be a sign he’s getting his fix with someone else, which is why he’s less interested in doing things with you.

However, to be clear, just because someone seems less interested in fun or hobbies, it doesn’t automatically mean they’re having fun with someone else. There can be a variety of reasons why things may not be as interesting.

The best thing is to simply ask him about it, and gauge his reaction.